Designing a Dashboard

Designing a dashboard requires the following steps:
  1. Define the indicator data.
    For detailed steps for creating indicator data, see Create Indicator Data.
    Note: You might need to build a new information map, summary table, or stored process before creating the indictor data object. For more information, see Defining Indicator Data.
  2. Create a range, if necessary.
    For detailed steps for creating a range, see Create a Range.
    Note: You might select an indicator that does not require a range. For more information, see Indicator Types That Support Ranges.
  3. Create one or more indicators.
    For detailed steps for creating an indicator, see Working with Indicators.
  4. Create the dashboard and lay out its content.
    For more information, see Laying Out Content in a Dashboard.
  5. Test the dashboard and its features.
    For more information, see Testing Dashboards.