Dashboard Design Ideas

SAS BI Dashboard provides many new types of indicators as well as new interactive features. Depending on your design choices, a dashboard can now provide application-like services to its users. With version 4.3 and later, users not only view dashboards, but interact with and use information accessed from dashboards in many ways.
You can build links to other information in your dashboards. The following design ideas use links from static labels and images in a dashboard:
  • create a menu or table of contents to list available dashboards, reports, or Web pages
    links mimic a menu
  • create tabs along one side of the dashboard to mimic the look and feel of a tabbed portfolio
  • link to more detailed SAS Web Report Studio or SAS Stored Process reports
For examples showing how to create links, see Linking to Other Information by Adding Static Content.
You can also set up interactions between indicators on a dashboard that help analyze information. With these features, dashboards are no longer about viewing information, but about interacting with provided information and data.
  • By using an interaction between a dynamic prompt and a chart, you can mimic a menu that enables users to select different categories of data to view.
    interaction between a dynamic prompt and a chart
  • By using an interaction between a bar chart and a spark table indicator, users can explore data in the dashboard. When the user select a car manufacturer in the bar chart, the manufacturer data is highlighted in the spark table indicator.
    highlighted data interaction example
For more information, see Adding Interactions between Indicators.