The Workspace


The workspace is the place where you interactively work with the objects that make up a dashboard. Each object is displayed on its own tab.
Objects on separate tabs
You can maximize the workspace by selecting Viewthen selectMaximize Workspace. You return the workspace to its normal size by selecting Viewthen selectExpand Workspace Panels.


For a dashboard, which contains multiple objects, each object is displayed in a tile. When you move the mouse pointer over the tile, sizing handles appear around the tile's borders and a toolbar appears at the top left of the tile.
Object displayed in a tile
Note: A dashboard administrator can choose to display an indicator without the tile.

Editing an Object

To access the toolbar for an object, hover over the tile.
The toolbar buttons perform these actions:
Delete button
Deletes the object.
Edit button
Displays the object's properties.
Edit indicator Data button
Displays the indicator data properties. This button is available for indicators only.
Edit range button
Displays the range properties. This button is available for indicators only.
When you edit the contents of a flow container, the Edit Flow Container dialog box appears. From here you remove the objects within the container by moving the objects from the Selected items list to the Available items list.
Edit Flow Container dialog box
To edit the dimensions of an object within a flow container, select the object from the Selected items list, and then edit the properties in the Properties area.
For more information about the flow containers, see The Layout Templates View.

Manipulating Objects

To resize an object, drag the sizing handles that appear around the object's tile. You can also edit the width and height in the Properties pane.
To move an object, drag the border of the object. You can also edit the left and top positions in the Properties pane.