Administer SAS Functionality in Microsoft Outlook

Configure the Distribution of SAS Content

Outlook capabilities govern the distribution of SAS content (e-mail, save, print, and send.) For details on these capabilities, see Default Roles and Capabilities for the SAS Add-In for Microsoft Office.

Configure the Addition of Comments to Reports

To use the commenting functionality in Microsoft Outlook, you must run also run SAS Web Report Studio 4.31 M1 or later.
To read and create messages using the SAS Comment Server, your role needs to be granted the Comments capability. Without the Comments capability, the Comment icon in the Ribbon is hidden, as is the Comment pane in the Preview, Inspector View, and Gadget panes.
To edit and delete comments, you need to be a member of the group Comments:Administrator.

Configure Access to Indicators and Dashboards

To view dashboards in Microsoft Outlook, your site must be running SAS BI Dashboard 4.31 M1 or later.
The Open BID Content capability in the Open or Import category enables users to open indicators and dashboard content in Outlook. This capability is not granted by default to any role.
The dashboard functionality is identified as EXPERIMENTAL in the SAS Add-In 5.1 for Microsoft Office.

Configure Access to OLAP Cubes in Outlook

To open OLAP cubes in Microsoft Outlook, select the Open Time Series capability, in the Open or Import category. This capability is granted by default to the Advanced role.
The display of cubes in Outlook is labeled PREPRODUCTION in the SAS Add-In 5.1 for Microsoft Office.

About Menus in Outlook 2007

In Microsoft Outlook 2007, menus and menu options cannot be disabled by add-ins. This means that users of the SAS add-in can select menu options that are disabled by SAS capabilities. If you select a disabled menu option, an error message is displayed, to indicate that the menu option has been disabled by a capability.