Understanding and Customizing SAS Output: The Basics |
Input Data Set for Examples of Multiple-page Reports |
In the sections that follow, you learn how to customize multiple-page reports.
The following program creates and prints a SAS data set that contains newspaper circulation figures for morning and evening editions. Each record lists the state, morning circulation figures (in thousands), evening circulation figures (in thousands), and year that the data represents.
data circulation_figures; length state $ 15; input state $ morning_copies evening_copies year; datalines; Colorado 738.6 210.2 1984 Colorado 742.2 212.3 1985 Colorado 731.7 209.7 1986 Colorado 789.2 155.9 1987 Vermont 623.4 566.1 1984 Vermont 533.1 455.9 1985 Vermont 544.2 566.7 1986 Vermont 322.3 423.8 1987 Alaska 51.0 80.7 1984 Alaska 58.7 78.3 1985 Alaska 59.8 70.9 1986 Alaska 64.3 64.6 1987 Alabama 256.3 480.5 1984 Alabama 291.5 454.3 1985 Alabama 303.6 454.7 1986 Alabama . 454.5 1987 Maine . . 1984 Maine . 68.0 1985 Maine 222.7 68.6 1986 Maine 224.1 66.7 1987 Hawaii 433.5 122.3 1984 Hawaii 455.6 245.1 1985 Hawaii 499.3 355.2 1986 Hawaii 503.2 488.6 1987 ; proc print data=circulation_figures; run;
The following output shows the results:
The SAS System 1 morning_ evening_ Obs state copies copies year 1 Colorado 738.6 210.2 1984 2 Colorado 742.2 212.3 1985 3 Colorado 731.7 209.7 1986 4 Colorado 789.2 155.9 1987 5 Vermont 623.4 566.1 1984 6 Vermont 533.1 455.9 1985 7 Vermont 544.2 566.7 1986 8 Vermont 322.3 423.8 1987 9 Alaska 51.0 80.7 1984 10 Alaska 58.7 78.3 1985 11 Alaska 59.8 70.9 1986 12 Alaska 64.3 64.6 1987 13 Alabama 256.3 480.5 1984 14 Alabama 291.5 454.3 1985 15 Alabama 303.6 454.7 1986
The SAS System 2 morning_ evening_ Obs state copies copies year 16 Alabama . 454.5 1987 17 Maine . . 1984 18 Maine . 68.0 1985 19 Maine 222.7 68.6 1986 20 Maine 224.1 66.7 1987 21 Hawaii 433.5 122.3 1984 22 Hawaii 455.6 245.1 1985 23 Hawaii 499.3 355.2 1986 24 Hawaii 503.2 488.6 1987
Writing Centered Title and Column Headings |
Producing centered titles with TITLE statements is easy, because centering is the default for the TITLE statement. Producing column headings is not so easy. You must insert the correct number of blanks in the TITLE statements so that the entire title, when centered, causes the text to fall in the correct columns. The following example shows how to write centered lines and column headings. The titles and column headings appear at the top of every page of output.
options linesize=80 pagesize=20 nodate; data report1; infile 'your-data-file'; input state $ morning_copies evening_copies year; run; title 'Morning and Evening Newspaper Circulation'; title2; title3 'State Year Thousands of Copies'; title4 ' Morning Evening'; data _null_; set report1; by state notsorted; file print; if first.state then do; morning_total=0; evening_total=0; put / @7 state @; end; put @26 year @53 morning_copies 5.1 @66 evening_copies 5.1; morning_total+morning_copies; evening_total+evening_copies; if last.state then do; all_totals=morning_total+evening_total; put @52 '------' @65 '------' / @26 'Total for each category' @52 morning_total 6.1 @65 evening_total 6.1 / @35 'Combined total' @59 all_totals 6.1; end; run;
The following output shows the results:
Centered Lines and Column Headings in SAS Output
Morning and Evening Newspaper Circulation 1 State Year Thousands of Copies Morning Evening Colorado 1984 738.6 210.2 1985 742.2 212.3 1986 731.7 209.7 1987 789.2 155.9 ------ ------ Total for each category 3001.7 788.1 Combined total 3789.8 Vermont 1984 623.4 566.1 1985 533.1 455.9 1986 544.2 566.7 1987 322.3 423.8 ------ ------ Total for each category 2023.0 2012.5 Combined total 4035.5
Morning and Evening Newspaper Circulation 2 State Year Thousands of Copies Morning Evening Alaska 1984 51.0 80.7 1985 58.7 78.3 1986 59.8 70.9 1987 64.3 64.6 ------ ------ Total for each category 233.8 294.5 Combined total 528.3 Alabama 1984 256.3 480.5 1985 291.5 454.3 1986 303.6 454.7 1987 . 454.5 ------ ------ Total for each category 851.4 1844.0 Combined total 2695.4
Morning and Evening Newspaper Circulation 3 State Year Thousands of Copies Morning Evening Maine 1984 . . 1985 . 68.0 1986 222.7 68.6 1987 224.1 66.7 ------ ------ Total for each category 446.8 203.3 Combined total 650.1 Hawaii 1984 433.5 122.3 1985 455.6 245.1 1986 499.3 355.2 1987 503.2 488.6 ------ ------ Total for each category 1891.6 1211.2 Combined total 3102.8
When you create titles and column headings with TITLE statements, consider the following:
SAS writes page numbers on title lines by default. Therefore, page numbers appear in this report. If you do not want page numbers, specify the NONUMBER system option.
The PUT statement pointer begins on the first line after the last TITLE statement. SAS does not skip a line before beginning the text as it does with procedure output. In this example, the blank line between the TITLE4 statement and the first line of data for each state is produced by the slash (/) in the PUT statement in the FIRST.STATE group.
Writing Titles and Column Headings in Specific Columns |
The easiest way to program headings in specific columns is to use a PUT statement. Instead of calculating the exact number of blanks that are required to make text fall in particular columns, you move the pointer to the appropriate column with pointer controls and write the text. To write headings with a PUT statement, you must execute the PUT statement at the beginning of each page, regardless of the observation that is being processed or the iteration of the DATA step. The FILE statement with the HEADER= option specifies the headings you want to write.
Use the following form of the FILE statement to specify column headings.
PRINT is a reserved fileref that directs output that is produced by any PUT statements to the same print file as the output that is produced by SAS procedures. The label variable defines a statement label that identifies a group of SAS statements that execute each time SAS begins a new output page.
The following program uses the HEADER= option of the FILE statement to add a header routine to the DATA step. The routine uses pointer controls in the PUT statement to write the title, skip two lines, and then write column headings in specific locations.
options linesize=80 pagesize=24; data _null_; set circulation_figures; by state notsorted; file print notitles header=pagetop; 1 if first.state then do; morning_total=0; evening_total=0; put / @7 state @; end; put @26 year @53 morning_copies 5.1 @66 evening_copies 5.1; morning_total+morning_copies; evening_total+evening_copies; if last.state then do; all_totals=morning_total+evening_total; put @52 '------' @65 '------' / @26 'Total for each category' @52 morning_total 6.1 @65 evening_total 6.1 / @35 'Combined total' @59 all_totals 6.1; end; return; 2 pagetop: 3 put @16 'Morning and Evening Newspaper Circulation' // @7 'State' @26 'Year' @51 'Thousands of Copies'/ @51 'Morning Evening'; return; 4 run;
The following list corresponds to the numbered items in the preceding program:
The following output shows the results:
Title and Column Headings in Specific Locations
Morning and Evening Newspaper Circulation State Year Thousands of Copies Morning Evening Colorado 1984 738.6 210.2 1985 742.2 212.3 1986 731.7 209.7 1987 789.2 155.9 ------ ------ Total for each category 3001.7 788.1 Combined total 3789.8 Vermont 1984 623.4 566.1 1985 533.1 455.9 1986 544.2 566.7 1987 322.3 423.8 ------ ------ Total for each category 2023.0 2012.5 Combined total 4035.5 Alaska 1984 51.0 80.7 1985 58.7 78.3 1986 59.8 70.9
Morning and Evening Newspaper Circulation State Year Thousands of Copies Morning Evening 1987 64.3 64.6 ------ ------ Total for each category 233.8 294.5 Combined total 528.3 Alabama 1984 256.3 480.5 1985 291.5 454.3 1986 303.6 454.7 1987 . 454.5 ------ ------ Total for each category 851.4 1844.0 Combined total 2695.4 Maine 1984 . . 1985 . 68.0 1986 222.7 68.6 1987 224.1 66.7 ------ ------ Total for each category 446.8 203.3 Combined total 650.1
Changing a Portion of a Heading |
You can use variable values to create headings that change on every page. For example, if you eliminate the default page numbers in the procedure output file, you can create your own page numbers as part of the heading. You can also write the numbers differently from the default method. For example, you can write "Page 1" rather than "1." Page numbers are an example of a heading that changes with each new page.
The following program creates page numbers using a Sum statement and writes the numbers as part of the header routine.
options linesize=80 pagesize=24; data _null_; set circulation_figures; by state notsorted; file print notitles header=pagetop; if first.state then do; morning_total=0; evening_total=0; put / @7 state @; end; put @26 year @53 morning_copies 5.1 @66 evening_copies 5.1; morning_total+morning_copies; evening_total+evening_copies; if last.state then do; all_totals=morning_total+evening_total; put @52 '------' @65 '------' / @26 'Total for each category' @52 morning_total 6.1 @65 evening_total 6.1 / @35 'Combined total' @59 all_totals 6.1; end; return; pagetop: pagenum+1; 1 put @16 'Morning and Evening Newspaper Circulation' @67 'Page ' pagenum // 2 @7 'State' @26 'Year' @51 'Thousands of Copies'/ @51 'Morning Evening'; return; run;
The following list corresponds to the numbered items in the preceding program:
In this Sum statement, SAS adds the value 1 to the accumulator variable PAGENUM each time a new page begins. | |
The literal Page and the current page number print at the top of each new page. |
The following output shows the results:
Changing a Portion of a Heading
Morning and Evening Newspaper Circulation Page 1 State Year Thousands of Copies Morning Evening Colorado 1984 738.6 210.2 1985 742.2 212.3 1986 731.7 209.7 1987 789.2 155.9 ------ ------ Total for each category 3001.7 788.1 Combined total 3789.8 Vermont 1984 623.4 566.1 1985 533.1 455.9 1986 544.2 566.7 1987 322.3 423.8 ------ ------ Total for each category 2023.0 2012.5 Combined total 4035.5 Alaska 1984 51.0 80.7 1985 58.7 78.3 1986 59.8 70.9
Morning and Evening Newspaper Circulation Page 2 State Year Thousands of Copies Morning Evening 1987 64.3 64.6 ------ ------ Total for each category 233.8 294.5 Combined total 528.3 Alabama 1984 256.3 480.5 1985 291.5 454.3 1986 303.6 454.7 1987 . 454.5 ------ ------ Total for each category 851.4 1844.0 Combined total 2695.4 Maine 1984 . . 1985 . 68.0 1986 222.7 68.6 1987 224.1 66.7 ------ ------ Total for each category 446.8 203.3 Combined total 650.1
Controlling Page Divisions |
The report in Changing a Portion of a Heading automatically split the data for Alaska over two pages. To make attractive page divisions, you need to know that there is sufficient space on a page to print all the data for a particular state before you print any data for it.
First, you must know how many lines are needed to print a group of data. Then you use the LINESLEFT= option in the FILE statement to create a variable whose value is the number of lines remaining on the current page. Before you begin writing a group of data, compare the number of lines that you need to the value of that variable. If more lines are required than are available, use the _PAGE_ pointer control to advance the pointer to the first line of a new page.
In your report, the maximum number of lines that you need for any state is eight (four years of circulation data for each state plus four lines for the underline, the totals, and the blank line between states). The following program creates a variable named CKLINES and compares its value to eight at the beginning of each BY group. If the value is less than eight, SAS begins a new page before writing that state.
options pagesize=24; data _null_; set circulation_figures; by state notsorted; file print notitles header=pagetop linesleft=cklines; if first.state then do; morning_total=0; evening_total=0; if cklines<8 then put _page_; put / @7 state @; end; put @26 year @53 morning_copies 5.1 @66 evening_copies 5.1; morning_total+morning_copies; evening_total+evening_copies; if last.state then do; all_totals=morning_total+evening_total; put @52 '------' @65 '------' / @26 'Total for each category' @52 morning_total 6.1 @65 evening_total 6.1 / @35 'Combined total' @59 all_totals 6.1; end; return; pagetop: pagenum+1; put @16 'Morning and Evening Newspaper Circulation' @67 'Page ' pagenum // @7 'State' @26 'Year' @51 'Thousands of Copies'/ @51 'Morning Evening'; return; run;
The following output shows the results:
Output with Specific Page Divisions
Morning and Evening Newspaper Circulation Page 1 State Year Thousands of Copies Morning Evening Colorado 1984 738.6 210.2 1985 742.2 212.3 1986 731.7 209.7 1987 789.2 155.9 ------ ------ Total for each category 3001.7 788.1 Combined total 3789.8 Vermont 1984 623.4 566.1 1985 533.1 455.9 1986 544.2 566.7 1987 322.3 423.8 ------ ------ Total for each category 2023.0 2012.5 Combined total 4035.5
Morning and Evening Newspaper Circulation Page 2 State Year Thousands of Copies Morning Evening Alaska 1984 51.0 80.7 1985 58.7 78.3 1986 59.8 70.9 1987 64.3 64.6 ------ ------ Total for each category 233.8 294.5 Combined total 528.3 Alabama 1984 256.3 480.5 1985 291.5 454.3 1986 303.6 454.7 1987 . 454.5 ------ ------ Total for each category 851.4 1844.0 Combined total 2695.4
Morning and Evening Newspaper Circulation Page 3 State Year Thousands of Copies Morning Evening Maine 1984 . . 1985 . 68.0 1986 222.7 68.6 1987 224.1 66.7 ------ ------ Total for each category 446.8 203.3 Combined total 650.1
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