Valid in: | Anywhere |
Category: | Data Access |
Requirement: | The JAR files for your JMS provider must be included in your CLASSPATH= environment variable. |
Tip: | For the ActiveMQ JMS provider, you must either specify
the TIMEOUT=option or configure your jms.prefetchPolicy.queuePrefetch property
to 0.
CONNOPTIONS="option1=value option2=value"
the number to specify a multiple of 1024.PW=
The value does not require quotation marks if it is a valid SAS name.
is set to 0. For details about setting your prefetch property for
ActiveMQ, see ActiveMQ documentation.
The value does not require quotation marks if it is a valid SAS name.
and a destination
named myq
, and that the JNDI name space
is located at \\mynode\public\jndi
destination. The
TIMEOUT= option causes the underlying receive call to wait up to 100
milliseconds for a message to arrive.
data _null_; file 'myq' device=jms jndiiCtxtFactory='org.apache.activemq.jndi.ActiveMQInitialContextFactory' jndiProviderURL='tcp://localhost:61616' connfactory='ConnectionFactory' connopts='queue.myq=myq'; put 'This is a test message'; run; data _null_; infile 'myq' device=jms timeout=100 jndiiCtxtFactory='org.apache.activemq.jndi.ActiveMQInitialContextFactory' jndiProviderURL='tcp://localhost:61616' connfactory='ConnectionFactory' connopts='queue.myq=myq'; input mymsg $22.; put mymsg=; run;
on your SAS start-up command to add the JAR files.
.)filename fromweb URL '' lrecl=8192 recfm=s; data _null_; infile fromweb; file "&tempZipFile" recfm=n lrecl=8192; input; put _infile_; run;
proc groovy; add sasjar="ANT"; submit "&tempZipFile" "&installDir"; def ant = new AntBuilder(); ant.unzip( src:args[0], dest:args[1], overwrite:"false" ) ant.delete( file:args[0] ) endsubmit; quit;
filename myq jms 'dynamicQueues/myqueue' jndiiCtxtFactory='org.apache.activemq.jndi.ActiveMQInitialContextFactory' jndiProviderURL='vm://broker' connfactory='ConnectionFactory' timeout=100;
data pointofsale; infile cards; input saleId date e8601dt22.2 amount customerId storeId $4.; format date e8601dt22.2 amount dollar6.2; cards; 0001 2009-09-15T15:51:00.51 11.91 1001 A001 0002 2009-09-15T15:52:00.52 12.92 1002 B002 0003 2009-09-15T15:53:00.53 13.93 1003 A003 0004 2009-09-15T15:54:00.54 13.94 1004 A004 0005 2009-09-15T15:55:00.55 13.95 1005 A005 0006 2009-09-15T15:56:00.56 13.96 1006 A006 0007 2009-09-15T15:57:00.57 13.97 1007 A007 0008 2009-09-15T15:58:00.58 13.98 1008 A008 0009 2009-09-15T15:59:00.59 13.99 1009 A009 0010 2009-09-15T15:53:01.00 14.00 1010 A010 0011 2009-09-15T15:53:01.01 14.01 1011 A011 ; run;
filename mymq JMS 'dynamicQueues/myqueue' jndiCtxtFactory='org.apache.activemq.jndi.ActiveMQInitialContextFactory' jndiProviderURL='vm://broker' connFactory='ConnectionFactory' timeout=100;
filename myXMLmap temp; data _null_; file myXMLmap; infile cards; input; put _infile_; cards; <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <SXLEMAP name="AUTO_GEN" version="2.1"> <NAMESPACES count="0"/> <TABLE description="POINTOFSALE" name="POINTOFSALE"> <TABLE-PATH syntax="XPath">/TABLE/POINTOFSALE</TABLE-PATH> <COLUMN name="saleId"> <PATH syntax="XPath">/TABLE/POINTOFSALE/saleId</PATH> <TYPE>numeric</TYPE> <DATATYPE>integer</DATATYPE> </COLUMN> <COLUMN name="date"> <PATH syntax="XPath">/TABLE/POINTOFSALE/date</PATH> <TYPE>numeric</TYPE> <DATATYPE>double</DATATYPE> </COLUMN> <COLUMN name="amount"> <PATH syntax="XPath">/TABLE/POINTOFSALE/amount</PATH> <TYPE>numeric</TYPE> <DATATYPE>double</DATATYPE> </COLUMN> <COLUMN name="customerId"> <PATH syntax="XPath">/TABLE/POINTOFSALE/customerId</PATH> <TYPE>numeric</TYPE> <DATATYPE>integer</DATATYPE> </COLUMN> <COLUMN name="storeId"> <PATH syntax="XPath">/TABLE/POINTOFSALE/storeId</PATH> <TYPE>character</TYPE> <DATATYPE>string</DATATYPE> <LENGTH>4</LENGTH> </COLUMN> </TABLE> </SXLEMAP> ; run;
filename x jms jndiiCtxtFactory='com.sun.jndi.fscontext.RefFSContextFactory' jndiProviderURL='file://localhost/jndi' connfactory=MyFactory;
data requests; length name $40; file x(myRequest) messageid=mID deliverymode=nonpersistent; loanAmount=1000; creditScore=675; name='Brown, Bob'; put loanAmount @10 creditScore @15 name; output; loanAmount=2000; creditScore=500; name='Wilson, Jane'; put loanAmount @10 creditScore @15 name; output; loanAmount=3000; creditScore=750; name='White, William'; put loanAmount @10 creditScore @15 name; output; loanAmount=50000; creditScore=700; name='Jones, Fred'; put loanAmount @10 creditScore @15 name; output; stop; run;
data _null_; length name $40 mID $51; infile x(myRequest) messageid=mID length=len; file x(myResponse) correlid=mID deliverymode=nonpersistent; input loanAmount creditScore @; len = len - 14; input +1 name $varying40. len; if ( creditScore > 600 and loanAmount < 10000 ) then decision = 'approved'; else decision = 'declined'; put decision name; run;
data responses; length msgName $40 cID $51; drop msgName mID cID len; set requests; cID=mID; infile x(myResponse) matchopts=correlid correlid=cID length=len; input @1 answer $8. @; len = len - 9;