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Configuring WebSphere MQ

Using Message Queue Polling with WebSphere MQ

Overview of Message Queue Polling

You can use a message queue polling server to monitor queues and to start SAS programs. This feature can be useful when you want to deploy the WebSphere MQ Functional Interface in high-volume, time-sensitive situations.

Message queue polling is most useful for DATA step applications that retrieve messages from an MQSeries message queue and for incoming messages that are independent of each other. Reply messages can be sent, but this feature should not be used to start programs that are primarily used to send messages.

For information about configuring the message queue polling server, see Configuring Message Queue Polling.

Environment Variables for the Polling Server

Environment Variables that Are Set Automatically

When a polling server session is started, the object spawner automatically creates the following environment variables for the session:


specifies the unique identifier for the object spawner.


specifies the name of the queue for the polling server.


specifies the name of the queue manager that the polling server uses to access the queue.

Specifying Environment Variables on the SAS Command

You can also set environment variables on the server by using the -SET option on the SAS command for the server session. For example, you might want to specify the queue model by using the MQMODEL variable. The following SAS command sets the queue model to client and sets the MQSERVER variable to enable remote access:

sas -sysin "" -set MQMODEL client

Retrieving Environment Variable Values

You can retrieve the values of the environment variables by using the SYSGET( ) function. For example, the following code retrieves the SASQMGR value and stores it in the QMGR variable:

qmgr= sysget('SASQUEUE');

You can also use the %SYSGET macro function. Here is an example:

%let qmgr=%sysget(SASQUEUE);

On z/OS, if you use a UNIX shell script to invoke SAS, then you must use the -SET invocation option to retrieve the environment variables within the script and pass them to the SAS session. For example:


Checking for Stop Messages

The message queue polling server uses SAS sessions to perform processing. These sessions are managed by the object spawner. When the object spawner is stopped, it puts high-priority stop messages on the message queue for each server session that it started. Each stop message contains a unique identifier string that identifies the spawner. By setting the SASQSID in the get message options (on the MQGMO CALL routine), the MQGET call will check for this message. If the message is found, and the SASQSID value matches the identifier in the message, then MQGET returns a completion code of 2 and a reason code of -2. The DATA step program must check for this, perform cleanup, and close immediately upon receiving the stop message.

The SASQSID value is passed to the polling server by the object spawner as an environment variable. For more information, see Environment Variables for the Polling Server.

For queues that are monitored by the message queue polling server, the MsgDeliverySequence property must be set to Priority .

The following code fragment shows an MQGET call that checks for a stop message:

call mqget(hconn, hobj, hmd, hgmo, msglen, cc, reason);
   if cc ^= 0 then do;
      if reason = 2033 then do;
         put 'No message available';
      else do;
         if reason = -2 then do;
            put "MQGET: received stop message from object spawner";
            goto exit;
         else put 'MQGET: failed with reason= ' reason;
   else put 'MQGET: message received: ';

Message Queue Polling Example

The following code is a sample application that you can run with message queue polling.

data _null_;
length hconn hobj cc reason 8;
length rc hod hgmo hmd hmap msglen 8;
length parms $ 200 options $ 200 action $ 3 msg $ 200;
length desc $ 50;


/* Get the variables set by the object spawner for this session */
sid =  sysget('SASQSID');
qmgr= sysget('SASQMGR');
qname= sysget('SASQUEUE');

put "Spawner job started.";
put "sid = " sid;
put "qmgr = " qmgr;
put "qname = " qname;

call mqconn(qmgr, hconn, cc, reason);

action = "GEN";
call mqod(hod, action, rc, parms, objname);
if rc ^= 0 then do;
   put 'MQOD: failed with rc= ' rc;
   msg = sysmsg();
   put msg;
   goto exit;

call mqopen(hconn, hod, options, hobj, cc, reason);
if cc ^= 0 then do;
   put 'MQOPEN: failed with reason= ' reason;
   goto exit;

parms= "SASQSID";
call mqgmo(hgmo, action, rc, parms, sid);
if rc ^= 0 then do;
   put 'MQGMO: failed with rc= ' rc;
   msg = sysmsg();
   put msg;
   goto exit;

call mqmap(hmap, rc, desc);
if rc ^= 0 then do;
   put 'MQMAP: failed with rc= ' rc;
   msg = sysmsg();
   put msg;
   goto exit;

reason = 0;
do until (reason = 2033);

   action = "GEN";
   call mqmd(hmd, action, rc);
   if rc ^= 0 then do;
      put 'MQMD: failed with rc= ' rc;
      msg = sysmsg();
      put msg;

   call mqget(hconn, hobj, hmd, hgmo, msglen, cc, reason);
   if cc ^= 0 then do;
      if reason = 2033 then do;
         put 'No message available';
      else do;
         if reason = -2 then do;
            /* -2 indicates that a session-specific stop message has      */
            /* been received from the object spawner queue monitor        */
            /* application.  We should clean up and shutdown immediately. */
            put "MQGET: received stop message from object spawner";
            goto exit;
         else put 'MQGET: failed with reason= ' reason;
   else put 'MQGET: message received: ';

/* Do any application-specific processing of messages here. */

if hmd ^= 0 then do;
   call mqfree(hmd);

end; /* end do loop */

if hobj ^= 0 then do;
   call mqclose(hconn, hobj, options, cc, reason);
   if cc ^= 0 then do;
      put 'MQCLOSE: failed with reason= ' reason;

if hconn ^= 0 then do;
   call mqdisc(hconn, cc, reason);
   if cc ^= 0 then do;
      put 'MQDISC: failed with reason= ' reason;

if hod ^= 0 then do;
   call mqfree(hod);
if hgmo ^= 0 then do;
   call mqfree(hgmo);
if hmd ^= 0 then do;
   call mqfree(hmd);
if hmap ^= 0 then do;
   call mqfree(hmap);


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