WebSphere MQ Call Routines |
Syntax | |
Arguments | |
Example |
Syntax |
CALL MQINQ(hConn, hObj, compCode, reason, parms, value1 <,value2, ...>); |
Numeric, input
Specifies the WebSphere MQ connection handle that is obtained from a previous MQCONN function call.
Numeric, input
Specifies the WebSphere MQ Object handle that is obtained from a previous MQOPEN function call that specified the INQUIRE option. This handle can represent a queue, process definition, or queue manager object.
Numeric, output
Returns the WebSphere MQ completion code. This parameter can be used to determine whether an error occurred during the execution of this routine. If an error occurred, then the compCode parameter will be nonzero, and the reason parameter will be set to the appropriate reason code.
Numeric, output
Returns the WebSphere MQ reason code that qualifies the completion code.
Note: A reason code of -1 reflects a Base SAS internal error, not a WebSphere MQ error. To obtain a textual description of a failure (either Base SAS or WebSphere MQ), use the SYSMSG() Base SAS function call.
Character, input
Specifies a string of attributes that you want to query from the WebSphere MQ object. Each object attribute is separated by a comma. The value that is associated with each attribute is returned in a value parameter. Not all attributes are valid for each type of object (queue, process definition, or queue manager). Valid object types are listed under each attribute.
Numeric or character, output
Returns the value for an attribute specified in the parms string. You must provide a value parameter for each attribute specified parms string. Variables used to store character values should be initialized appropriately to guarantee that truncation of a returned value does not occur.
The attributes in the following three tables are valid.
Attribute |
Data Type |
Description |
ALTERATION_DATE | Character12 | Date definition last changed |
ALTERATION_TIME | Character8 | Time definition was last changed |
BACKOUT_REQ_Q_NAME | Character48 | Excessive backout requeue name |
BACKOUT_THRESHOLD | Numeric | Backout threshold |
BASE_Q_NAME | Character48 | Name of queue to which alias resolves |
CF_STRUC_NAME | Character12 | Coupling-facility structure name (z/OS only) |
CLUSTER_NAME | Character48 | Name of cluster to which queue belongs |
CLUSTER_NAMELIST | Character48 | Name of namelist containing names of clusters to which queue belongs |
CLUSTER_WORKLOAD_DATA | Character32 | User data for cluster workload exit |
CLUSTER_WORKLOAD_LENGTH | Numeric | Maximum length of message data passed to cluster workload exit |
CREATION_DATE | Character12 | Queue creation date |
CREATION_TIME | Character8 | Queue creation time |
CURRENT_Q_DEPTH | Numeric | Number of messages on queue |
DEF_BIND | Numeric | Default binding |
DEF_INPUT_OPEN_OPTION | Numeric | Default open-for-input option |
DEF_PERSISTENCE | Numeric | Default message persistence |
DEF_PRIORITY | Numeric | Default message priority |
DEF_XMIT_Q_NAME | Character48 | Default transmission queue name |
DEFINITION_TYPE | Numeric | Queue definition type |
EXPIRY_INTERVAL | Numeric | Interval between scans for expired messages (z/OS only) |
HARDEN_GET_BACKOUT | Numeric | Whether to harden backout count |
IGQ_PUT_AUTHORITY | Numeric | Intra-group queuing put authority (z/OS only) |
IGQ_USER_ID | Character12 | Intra-group queuing agent user ID (z/OS only) |
INDEX_TYPE | Numeric | Index type (z/OS only) |
INHIBIT_GET | Numeric |
Whether get operations are allowed
This output type is not supported on z/OS. |
INHIBIT_PUT | Numeric | Whether put operations are allowed |
INITIATION_Q_NAME | Character48 | Initiation queue name |
INTRA_GROUP_QUEUING | Numeric | Intra-group queuing support (z/OS only) |
MAX_MSG_LENGTH | Numeric | Maximum message length |
MAX_Q_DEPTH | Numeric | Maximum number of messages allowed on queue |
MSG_DELIVERY_SEQUENCE | Numeric | Whether message priority is relevant |
OPEN_INPUT_COUNT | Numeric | Number of MQOPEN calls that have the queue open for input |
OPEN_OUTPUT_COUNT | Numeric | Number of MQOPEN calls that have the queue open for output |
PROCESS_NAME | Character32 | Name of process definition |
Control attribute for queue depth high events
This output type is not supported on z/OS. |
High limit for queue depth
This output type is not supported on z/OS. |
Control attribute for queue depth low events
This output type is not supported on z/OS. |
Low limit for queue depth
This output type is not supported on z/OS. |
Control attribute for queue depth max events
This output type is not supported on z/OS. |
Q_DESC | Character64 | Queue description |
Q_NAME | Character48 | Queue name |
Limit for queue service interval
This output type is not supported on z/OS. |
Control for queue service interval events
This output type is not supported on z/OS. |
Q_TYPE | Numeric | Queue type |
QSG_DISP | Numeric | Queue-sharing group disposition (z/OS only) |
QSG_NAME | Character4 | Name of queue-sharing group (z/OS only) |
REMOTE_Q_MGR_NAME | Character48 | Name of remote queue manager |
REMOTE_Q_NAME | Character48 | Name of remote queue as known on remote queue manager |
RETENTION_INTERVAL | Numeric | Queue retention interval |
SCOPE | Numeric |
Queue definition scope
This output type is not supported on z/OS. |
SHAREABILITY | Numeric | Whether queue can be shared |
STORAGE_CLASS | Character8 | Storage class for queue (z/OS only) |
TRIGGER_CONTROL | Numeric | Trigger control |
TRIGGER_DATA | Character64 | Trigger data |
TRIGGER_DEPTH | Numeric | Trigger depth |
TRIGGER_MSG_PRIORITY | Numeric | Threshold message priority for triggers |
TRIGGER_TYPE | Numeric | Trigger type |
USAGE | Numeric | Usage |
XMIT_Q_NAME | Character48 | Default transmission queue name |
Attribute |
Data Type |
Description |
Control attribute for authority events
This output type is not supported on z/OS. |
CLUSTER_WORKLOAD_EXIT (MQ_EXIT_NAME_LENGTH) | Character Variable Length | Name of user exit for cluster workload management |
CODED_CHAR_SET_ID | Numeric | Coded character set identifier |
COMMAND_INPUT_Q_NAME | Character48 | System command input queue name |
COMMAND_LEVEL | Numeric | Command level supported by queue manager |
DEAD_LETTER_Q_NAME | Character48 | Dead letter queue name |
Control attribute for inhibit events
This output type is not supported on z/OS. |
LOCAL_EVENT | Numeric |
Control attribute for local events
This output type is not supported on z/OS. |
MAX_HANDLES | Numeric | Maximum number of handles |
MAX_MSG_LENGTH | Numeric | Maximum message length |
MAX_PRIORITY | Numeric | Maximum priority |
Maximum number of uncommitted messages within a unit of work
This output type is not supported on z/OS. |
Control attribute for performance events
This output type is not supported on z/OS. |
PLATFORM | Numeric | Platform on which the queue manager resides |
Q_MGR_DESC | Character64 | Queue manager description |
Q_MGR_IDENTIFIER | Character48 | Unique internally generated identifier of queue manager |
Q_MGR_NAME | Character48 | Queue manager name |
REMOTE_EVENT | Numeric |
(Queue Manager)
Control attribute for remote events This output type is not supported on z/OS. |
REPOSITORY_NAME | Character48 | Name of cluster for which this queue manager provides repository services |
REPOSITORY_NAMELIST | Character48 | Name of namelist object containing names of clusters for which this queue manager provides repository services |
SYNCPOINT | Numeric |
(Queue Manager)
Synchpoint availability |
(Queue Manager)
Control attribute for start stop events This output type is not supported on z/OS. |
(Queue Manager)
Trigger interval |
Attribute |
Data Type |
Description |
APPL_ID | Character256 | Application identifier |
APPL_TYPE | Numeric |
(Process Definition)
Application type |
ENV_DATA | Character128 | Environment data |
PROCESS_DESC | Character48 | Description of process definition |
PROCESS_NAME | Character32 | Name of process definition |
USER_DATA | Character128 | User data |
Example |
This example queries about a queue's maximum depth and the maximum message length.
length parms $ 30; compCode=0; reason=0; parms="MAX_Q_DEPTH,MAX_MSG_LENGTH"; CALL MQINQ(hConn, hObj, compCode, reason, parms, maxdepth, maxmsgl);
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