Selecting Components

A well-designed user interface is based on a development process that focuses on users and their tasks.
The components that you choose to place on a frame are determined by the tasks that you want your users to perform. The following table describes common actions that your applications might require for users to complete specific tasks. It also suggests a SAS/AF component that you could use.
In some cases, multiple components are listed because more than one component might suit your needs. For more information about any of the components, see the “SAS/AF Component Reference” in the SAS/AF online Help.
User Tasks and Components
If you want to...
then use a...
enable a user to indicate a yes/no, true/false, or on/off option
check box control or radio box control
enable a user to make choices
check box control
combo box control
list box control
spin box control
visually group multiple components together
container box control
display an existing icon on your frame
desktop icon control or push button control
display an existing graph on your frame
graph output control
enable a user to execute a command
push button control
enable a user to choose only one item in a group of possible selections
radio box control
enable a user to enter a limited amount of text
text entry control
enable a user to enter a large amount of text
text pad control
provide a label for other components or include an uneditable line of text on your frame
text label control
include a chart or graph on your frame
chart control
critical success factor control
histogram control
map control
pie control
scatter control
provide a list of available color choices1
color list model
retrieve or access information about SAS software files and storage utilities1
catalog entry list model
catalog list model
data set list model
library list model
SAS file list model
variable list model
variable values list model
browse or edit data
form viewer control
table viewer control
SAS data set model
access information about file and storage utilities that were not created by or are not part of SAS software1
external file list model
access the items contained in a list1
LIST entry list model
SLIST entry list model
1 If you want to display this information in a frame, then you must use a view (such as a list box) to show the model. Models are referred to as non-visual components. They provide data that is typically used along with a visual control. For more information about models and views, see Model/View Communication.