Moving Multiple Components That Include Attachments

When more than one component is selected and moved at the same time, the attachments between these components, or between these components and other components, are not honored. Instead, attachments are temporarily ignored while the components are moved to their new locations. Attachment values are then recalculated and reset so that they are correct for the new location.


Three push buttons are placed horizontally in a row. Push button 1 is bidirectionally attached on its right side to the left side of push button 2. Push button 2 is bidirectionally attached on its right side to the left side of push button 3. Additionally, there are two pixels between each push button.
If you select push button 1 and push button 2 and move them to the left by two pixels, push button 3 will not grow to the left by two pixels to keep an appropriate distance between itself and the selected push buttons. Instead, push button 1 and 2 are moved to the left and the distance between them is recalculated. Push button 3 now has four pixels between itself and push button 2 instead of two pixels. Now, when either push button 2 or push button 3 is moved by itself, the attachment maintains a four-pixel distance instead of a two-pixel distance.