The GIS Procedure

PROC GIS Statement

Invokes the GIS procedure and specifies the default SAS catalog in which the spatial, coverage, layer, and map entries are stored.


PROC GIS <CATALOG=<libref.>catalog-name>;

Optional Argument

specifies the default SAS catalog in which the GIS spatial, coverage, layer, and map entries referred to in subsequent statements in the PROC GIS step are stored. If the specified catalog does not already exist, it is created when a subsequent SPATIAL, COVERAGE, LAYER, or MAP statement is executed.


Default:If you omit the libref value in the argument, the default SAS library, WORK, is used.


The CATALOG= argument is overridden when you perform one of the following:
  • issue a CATALOG statement in conjunction with the PROC GIS statement. Subsequent statements in the GIS procedure will refer to the catalog that was named in the most recent CATALOG statement rather than to the one that is specified in the CATALOG= option in the PROC GIS statement.
  • specify fully qualified (three-level) entry names in SPATIAL, COVERAGE, LAYER, or MAP statements. This temporarily overrides the default catalog for the current statement only. It does not reset any catalog that is specified with the CATALOG= option. See the descriptions of these statements for more information.