File Reference Table for Batch Importing lists the reserved filerefs for each of the different import
types, a brief description of each file, and whether the fileref is
required or optional when using that import type. For example, to import a Digital Line Graph file, you must allocate
the file with a fileref of DLGIN.
File Reference Table for Batch Importing
TIGER basic data record
(.rt1 file)
TIGER shape coordinate
points (.rt2 file)
TIGER index to alternate
feature names (.rt4 file)
TIGER feature name list
(.rt5 file)
TIGER additional address
and ZIP code (.rt6 file)
Dynamap basic data record
Dynamap shape coordinate
Dynamap index to alternate
feature names
Dynamap feature name
Dynamap additional address
and ZIP code data
Uncompressed ArcInfo
interchange (E00) file
MapInfo Interchange
Format MIF file
MapInfo Interchange
Format MID file
For the SASGRAPH and
generic import types, which require that the spatial data be stored
in a SAS data set, do not allocate a reserved fileref to indicate
the location of the data set. Instead, assign the name of the SAS
data set to the INFILE macro variable.