AutoCall Macros Syntax Listed by Category



Syntax and Description
%KLOWCASE (text | text expression)
%QKLOWCAS (text | text expression)
Change uppercase characters to lowercase.
Product: Base SAS
Document: SAS 9.3 National Language Support (NLS): Reference Guide
%KTRIM (text | text expression)
%QKTRIM (text | text expression)
Trim trailing blanks.
Product: Base SAS
Document: SAS 9.3 National Language Support (NLS): Reference Guide
%KVERIFY(source, excerpt)
Returns the position of the first character unique to an expression.
Product: Base SAS
Document: SAS 9.3 Macro Language: Reference
%KVERIFY (source, excerpt)
Returns the position of the first character unique to an expression.
Product: Base SAS
Document: SAS 9.3 National Language Support (NLS): Reference Guide



Syntax and Description
Initializes the logging environment to use autocall macros.
Product: Base SAS
Document: SAS 9.3 Logging: Configuration and Programming Reference
%LOG4SAS_APPENDER(name, "FileRefAppender"
<,'<FILEREF=fileref > <PATTERN="pattern"> <THRESHOLD=threshold > '>
Defines an appender.
Product: Base SAS
Document: SAS 9.3 Logging: Configuration and Programming Reference
%LOG4SAS_DEBUG(logger-name, message)
Logs a DEBUG message if the specified logger accepts DEBUG messages.
Product: Base SAS
Document: SAS 9.3 Logging: Configuration and Programming Reference
%LOG4SAS_ERROR(logger-name, message)
Logs an ERROR message if the specified logger accepts ERROR messages.
Product: Base SAS
Document: SAS 9.3 Logging: Configuration and Programming Reference
%LOG4SAS_FATAL(logger-name, message)
Logs a FATAL message if the specified logger accepts FATAL messages.
Product: Base SAS
Document: SAS 9.3 Logging: Configuration and Programming Reference
%LOG4SAS_INFO(logger-name, message)
Logs an INFO message if the specified logger accepts INFO messages.
Product: Base SAS
Document: SAS 9.3 Logging: Configuration and Programming Reference
<APPENDER-REF=(appender-list)> <LEVEL=level > ">
Defines a logger.
Product: Base SAS
Document: SAS 9.3 Logging: Configuration and Programming Reference
%LOG4SAS_TRACE(logger-name, message)
Logs a TRACE message if the specified logger accepts TRACE messages.
Product: Base SAS
Document: SAS 9.3 Logging: Configuration and Programming Reference
%LOG4SAS_WARN(logger-name, message)
Logs a WARN message if the specified logger accepts WARN messages.
Product: Base SAS
Document: SAS 9.3 Logging: Configuration and Programming Reference



Syntax and Description
%SERVINFO (two-level-server-name,<RMTVIEW= REMOTE-engine-RMTVIEW=-option > ,
<NETNODE=network-node-name)> ;
Adds server attributes to the server information table.
Product: SAS/SHARE
Document: SAS/SHARE 9.3 User's Guide
%SERVLIB(SAS-library-name, server-name
<RMTVIEW=REMOTE-engine-RMTVIEW=-option >,
<PHYSNAME=physical-name-of-library >,<SLIBREF=server-libref >,
<ENGINE=engine-in-user-session >, <RENGINE=engine-in-server-session >);
Adds server-library pairs to the library table.
Product: SAS/SHARE
Document: SAS/SHARE 9.3 User's Guide
%SHRMACS (category,< log-info >,<APPLSYS=app-sys-lib-tab ... >, <SASSAML=app-sys-lib-tab ... > );
Compiles other SAS/SHARE macros.
Product: SAS/SHARE
Document: SAS/SHARE 9.3 User's Guide



Syntax and Description
Lists the current library-alias table.
Product: SAS/SHARE
Document: SAS/SHARE 9.3 User's Guide
Lists the server-alias table.
Product: SAS/SHARE
Document: SAS/SHARE 9.3 User's Guide
Lists the server information table.
Product: SAS/SHARE
Document: SAS/SHARE 9.3 User's Guide
%OPERATE(server-name,< oapw >);
Generates a PROC OPERATE statement.
Product: SAS/SHARE
Document: SAS/SHARE 9.3 User's Guide
%SERVERID(server-alias, <NEQ>);
Converts a server alias to a server ID.
Product: SAS/SHARE
Document: SAS/SHARE 9.3 User's Guide
Returns the index of the entry for the specified server in the server identification table.
Product: SAS/SHARE
Document: SAS/SHARE 9.3 User's Guide
%SETSRV (server-name, < oapw >);
Generates a SET SERVER statement.
Product: SAS/SHARE
Document: SAS/SHARE 9.3 User's Guide
%SHUTSRV(server-name, < oapw >);
Stops a server.
Product: SAS/SHARE
Document: SAS/SHARE 9.3 User's Guide



Syntax and Description
Lists the current library-alias table.
Product: SAS/SHARE
Document: SAS/SHARE 9.3 User's Guide
Lists the server-alias table.
Product: SAS/SHARE
Document: SAS/SHARE 9.3 User's Guide
Lists the server information table.
Product: SAS/SHARE
Document: SAS/SHARE 9.3 User's Guide
%SERVERID(server-alias, <NEQ>);
Converts a server alias to a server ID.
Product: SAS/SHARE
Document: SAS/SHARE 9.3 User's Guide
Returns the index of the entry for the specified server in the server identification table.
Product: SAS/SHARE
Document: SAS/SHARE 9.3 User's Guide
%STRTSRV(server-name, < options > , < uapw > , < oapw > );
Starts a server.
Product: SAS/SHARE
Document: SAS/SHARE 9.3 User's Guide



Syntax and Description
%LIBDEF (libref,< SAS-library > ,<READONLY> ,<RETRY> ,<ENGINE=local-engine > ,<RENGINE=remote-engine > ,<RMTVIEW=remote-engine-RMTVIEW=-option>> ,<SLIBREF=server-library > , < uapw > , <APPLSYS=appl-sys-lib-table > );
Generates a LIBNAME statement.
Product: SAS/SHARE
Document: SAS/SHARE 9.3 User's Guide
Lists the current library-alias table.
Product: SAS/SHARE
Document: SAS/SHARE 9.3 User's Guide
Lists the server-alias table.
Product: SAS/SHARE
Document: SAS/SHARE 9.3 User's Guide
Lists the server information table.
Product: SAS/SHARE
Document: SAS/SHARE 9.3 User's Guide
%SERVERID(server-alias, <NEQ>);
Converts a server alias to a server ID.
Product: SAS/SHARE
Document: SAS/SHARE 9.3 User's Guide
Returns the index of the entry for the specified server in the server identification table.
Product: SAS/SHARE
Document: SAS/SHARE 9.3 User's Guide