The LIBDEF macro generates
a LIBNAME statement to define a SAS library that will be accessed
locally or through a server. The server administrator can specify
a physical name or a reserved libref in the APPLSYS macro library.
If a physical name is specified, the server administrator must specify
that name as the second argument in this macro; the physical name
should not be enclosed in quotation marks. If a libref is specified,
the second argument (the physical name) is omitted.
If you specify a physical
name that is not specified in the APPLSYS macro library, a LIBNAME
statement is generated without the SERVER= option.
After executing the
LIBDEF macro, the automatic macro variable SYSLIBRC contains the return
code from the LIBNAME statement.
For more information,
see the section about Automatic Macro Variables in SAS Macro Language: Reference in
SAS Macro Language: Reference.