Reporting JAR File Relationships

To generate a report showing the relationship between the JAR files in the project's SAS Repository, and which JAR files are missing or have constraints that cannot be satisfied, follow these steps:
  1. Expand the project in the Package Explorer.
  2. Right-click SAS Repository and select Properties.
    The Properties for SAS Repository dialog box appears.
  3. Click Jar Relationships.
The resulting report can include the following sections:
  • Resolved jars – lists the name and version of each JAR file that was included and also the names of dependent JAR files that the included JAR file requires.
  • Missing jars – lists JAR files that are required by the JAR files that are currently checked in the Available Jars list, but are not currently included. The JAR file IDs are listed, along with the name of the JAR file that directly requested them.
  • Unresolved jars – Displays the version request string and the likely error.
Jar Relationships Report