Finding a Class in a JAR File

To find a class in your project's JAR files, and then add that JAR file to the SAS Repository and the classpath, follow these steps:
  1. Expand the project in the Package Explorer.
  2. Right-click SAS Repository and select Properties.
    The Properties for SAS Repository dialog box appears.
  3. Click Find Jar.
  4. Enter the local name of a class (not the package).
    The search is case insensitive and returns all classes in the project's SAS Repository that contain the search string.
  5. Select the class that you want from the list.
    If the Add Jar button is enabled, then the JAR file is not in the project's SAS Repository. Click Add Jar to add it.
    If the Add Jar button is dimmed, then the JAR file is already in the project's SAS Repository.
Find Jar dialog box