SAS Import from
Repository Quick Fix is displayed when there is a compilation
error because a class used in the code cannot be resolved in the current
source file.
If you accept the Quick
Fix, the SAS Import from Repository Quick Fix adds the following
the JAR file containing the class
to the project classpath
an import statement for the class
to the current file.
If the name of the class
(excluding the package) is included on the current project classpath,
Eclipse provides a Quick Fix for each of the candidate class names.
If there are additional candidate class names in the latest versions
of one or more JAR files in the SAS Versioned Jar Repository, Quick
Fixes are also provided for those class names.
To use one of the SAS
Import from Repository Quick Fixes (marked with a SAS icon), double-click
the Quick Fix or select the Quick Fix and press Enter. If you use
a SAS Import from Repository Quick Fix and the Build Automatically
option is enabled, the entire project is rebuilt because the classpath
has changed.