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DBLOAD Procedure Reference

RESET Statement (Optional)

Resets column names and data types to their default values
Applies to: New databases



RESET ALL|variable-identifier <...variable-identifier-n>;

The RESET statement re-sets the items that are associated with the listed SAS variables to their defaults. You can re-set multiple items in one RESET statement.

ALL re-sets all items to the defaults and deleted items will be restored with default values. Item names default to SAS variable names (or labels), item types are generated from the SAS variable formats, and all items are NON-KEY at level 0. ALL specifies that all previous RENAME, DELETE, INDEX, LEVEL, and S2KLEN statements are ignored.

variable-identifier can be either the SAS variable name or the positional equivalent in the LIST output, which represents the variable's place in the data file.

n is an integer that defines a specific level. If you want the tenth variable, then its value is 10. There is no range for the value of n. For example, if you want to re-set the item associated with the third SAS variable, submit the following statement:

     reset 3;

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