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DBLOAD Procedure Reference

ACCDESC= Statement (Optional)

Assigns a name to the access descriptor for a new database
Applies to: New databases



ACCDESC= libref.access-descriptor;

Note:   When creating a new database using the ACCDESC= statement, it must follow another statement that is used only for creating a new database. The ACCDESC= statement cannot be the first statement specified in PROC DBLOAD.  [cautionend]

The ACCDESC= statement specifies an access descriptor (member) name for the new database. If the member name already exists, the DBLOAD procedure will not create the new database.

PROC DBLOAD always creates an access descriptor file when it creates a database. By default, the new database name is WORK.database.ACCESS, where database contains the first 7 characters of the new name. PROC DBLOAD also creates a view descriptor that matches the access descriptor. (See VIEWDESC= Statement (Required) | (Optional).) ACCESS= and AD= are aliases.

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