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Macro Variables and System Options for Relational Databases

SQLMAPPUTTO= System Option

Specifies whether the PUT function is mapped to the SAS_PUT() function for a database, possible also where the SAS_PUT() function is mapped.
Default value: SAS_PUT
Valid in: configuration file, SAS invocation, OPTIONS statement
DBMS Support: Netezza, Teradata

Syntax Description
See Also



Syntax Description


specifies to PROC SQL that no PUT mapping is to occur.


specifies that the PUT function be mapped to the SAS_PUT() function.


specifies the database name.

Requirement: If you specify a database name, you must enclose the entire argument in parentheses.
Tip: It is not necessary that the format definitions and the SAS_PUT() function reside in the same database as the one that contains the data that you want to format. You can use the database.SAS_PUT argument to specify the database where the format definitions and the SAS_PUT() function have been published.
Tip: The database name can be a multilevel name and it can include blanks.


The %INDTD_PUBLISH_FORMATS macro deploys, or publishes, the PUT function implementation to the database as a new function named SAS_PUT(). The %INDTD_PUBLISH_FORMATS macro also publishes both user-defined formats and formats that SAS supplies that you create using PROC FORMAT. The SAS_PUT() function supports the use of SAS formats, and you can use it in SQL queries that SAS submits to the database so that the entire SQL query can be processed inside the database. You can also use it in conjunction with in-database procedures in Teradata.

You can use this option with the SQLREDUCEPUT=, SQLREDUCEPUTOBS, and SQLREDUCEPUTVALUES= system options. For more information about these options, see the SAS Language Reference: Dictionary.

See Also

Deploying and Using SAS Formats in Teradata

Deploying and Using SAS Formats in Netezza

In-Database Procedures in Teradata


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