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Data Set Options for Relational Databases

BL_DB2LDEXT= Data Set Option

Specifies the mode of execution for the DB2 LOAD utility.
Default value: GENRUN
Valid in: DATA and PROC steps (when accessing DBMS data using SAS/ACCESS software)
DBMS Support: DB2 under z/OS

Syntax Description
See Also



Syntax Description


generates the control (SYSIN) file and the data (SYSREC) file, and runs the utility with them.


generates the control (SYSIN) file and the data (SYSREC) file but does not run the utility. Use this method when you need to edit the control file or to verify the generated control statement or data before you run the utility.


uses existing control and data files, and runs the utility with them. Existing files can be from a previous run or from previously run batch utility jobs. Use this method when you restart a previously stopped run of the utility.

All valid data sets that the utility accepts are supported when BL_DB2LDEXT=USERUN. However, syntax errors from the utility can occur because no parsing is done when reading in the SYSIN data set. Specifically, neither imbedded comments (beginning with a double dash '--') nor columns 73 through 80 of RECFM=FB LRECL=80 data sets are stripped from the control statement. The solution is to remove imbedded comments and columns 73 through 80 of RECFM=FB LRECL=80 data sets from the data set. However, this is not an issue when you use engine-generated SYSIN data sets because they are RECFM=VB and therefore have no imbedded comments.


To specify this option, you must first set BULKLOAD=YES .

This option specifies the mode of execution for the DB2 LOAD utility, which involves creating data sets that the utility needs and to call the utility.

See Also

BULKLOAD= Data Set Option

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