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Defining SAS/ACCESS Descriptor Files

Creating and Using Descriptor Files

Creating Access and View Descriptors in One PROC Step

You can use the ACCESS procedure in batch mode to create the access descriptor MYLIB.WIRETRN and the view descriptor VLIB.WIREDATA. Because IMS does not have a dictionary or store descriptive information about IMS databases, you must provide the database definition in the SAS statements following the procedure statement. You can also create view descriptors in the same PROC ACCESS execution after the access descriptor statements are entered. (See ACCESS Procedure Reference for a list of valid options that you can use with PROC ACCESS.) Here is the general format for creating descriptors:

proc access options;

Perhaps the most common way to use the ACCESS procedure is to create an access descriptor and one or more view descriptors during a single PROC ACCESS execution.

The following example shows how to create the access descriptor MYLIB.WIRETRN based on the IMS database WIRETRN. The view descriptor VLIB.WIREDATA is based on this access descriptor. After the following example, each SAS/ACCESS statement is explained in the order of appearance in the program:

JCL statements;

libname mylib 'access-descriptor libref';
libname vlib 'view-descriptor

  proc access dbms=ims;
    create mylib.wiretrn.access;
      database=wiretrn dbtype=hdam;
      record='wire transaction' segment=wiretran 
        item='ssn - account' level=2 dbformat=$23.
                             search=ssnacc key=y;
        item='account type'  level=2 dbformat=$1. 
        item='wire date'     level=2 dbformat=$8. 
        item='wire time'     level=2 dbformat=$8. 
        item='wire amount'   level=2 dbformat=pd5.2 
        item='wire descript' level=2 dbformat=$40. 
    list all;

    create vlib.wiredata.view psbname=acctsam 
      select 'wire transaction';
    list view;

Here is an explanation of the statements in this example. See Invoking the ACCESS Procedure for complete reference information about these statements.

JCL statements;

included for batch and noninteractive line modes.

libname mylib='access-descriptor libref';
libname vlib='view-descriptor libref';

reference the SAS library in which you will store the access descriptor (MYLIB) and the SAS library in which you will store the view descriptors (VLIB). You must associate a libref with its library before you can use it in another SAS statement or procedure.

proc access dbms=ims;

invokes the ACCESS procedure for the SAS/ACCESS interface to IMS.

create mylib.wiretrn.access;

identifies the access descriptor, MYLIB.WIRETRN, that you want to create.

database=wiretrn dbtype=hdam;

specifies the IMS database named WIRETRN on which the access descriptor is to be created. The database type is HDAM.

record='wire transaction' segment=wiretran seglng=100;

specifies the user-specified record name, as well as the segment name and segment length, as specified in the IMS DBD for the WIRETRN database.

item='ssn - account' level=2 dbformat=$23. search=ssnacc key=y;

identifies the item SSN - ACCOUNT. It has an internal format of type character, length 23 bytes. SSNACC is specified as a search field name. KEY=Y indicates that SSN - ACCOUNT is listed in the DBD as a key field for the WIRETRAN segment.

item='account type' level=2 dbformat=$1. search=accttype;

identifies the item ACCOUNT TYPE with an internal format of type character, length 1 byte. ACCTTYPE is specified as a search field in the DBD.

item='wire date' level=2 dbformat=$8. search=wiredate;

identifies the item WIRE DATE with an internal format of type character, length 8 bytes. The search field WIREDATE is specified.

item='wire time' level=2 dbformat=$8. search=wiretime;

identifies the item WIRE TIME with the same attributes as WIRE DATE except it has the search field name WIRETIME.

item='wire amount' level=2 dbformat=pd5.2 search=wireammt dbcontent=l;

identifies the item WIRE AMOUNT with a packed decimal database format of 5 bytes with 2 decimal places. DBCONTENT=L indicates that SAS should display a missing value when it finds low values (hexadecimal zeros) for this item. The search field is WIREAMMT.

item='wire descript' level=2 dbformat=$40. search=wiredesc;

identifies the item WIRE DESCRIPT with an internal format of type character, length 40 bytes. The search field is WIREDESC.


generates unique SAS variable names and default formats based on the name of the IMS item and its DBFORMAT= value. Using AN=Y in an access descriptor means no changes can be made to the SAS names and formats in any view descriptors that use the access descriptor.

list all;

lists all the items in the access descriptor and SAS information for each item. The output is displayed in the SAS log.

create vlib.wiredata.view psbname=acctsam pcbindex=5;

creates a view descriptor called WIREDATA which references PSB ACCTSAM. The PCBINDEX=5 statement refers to the specific PCB in the PSB to be used at execution time.

select 'wire transaction';

selects the WIRETRAN segment of the IMS database to be included in the view, as defined in the access descriptor.

list view;

lists the SAS information about the record WIRE TRANSACTION you selected for this view. Output from this statement is shown in the SAS log.


forces the execution of the ACCESS procedure.

Creating Access and View Descriptors in Separate PROC Steps

You can create view descriptors and access descriptors in separate PROC ACCESS steps. In the first PROC ACCESS step in the following example, you create the access descriptor MYLIB.WIRETRN, which is based on the WIRETRN database. In the second PROC ACCESS step, you create a view descriptor, VLIB.WIREDATA, which is based on the access descriptor MYLIB.WIRETRN.

proc access dbms=ims;
    create mylib.wiretrn.access;
      database=wiretrn dbtype=hdam;
      record='wire transaction' segment=wiretran 
        item='ssn - account' level=2 dbformat=$23.
        item='account type'  level=2 dbformat=$1. 
        item='wire date'     level=2 dbformat=$8. 
        item='wire time'     level=2 dbformat=$8. 
        item='wire amount'   level=2 dbformat=pd5.2 
        item='wire descript' level=2 dbformat=$40. 
    list all;

  proc access dbms=ims accdesc=mylib.wiretrn;
    create vlib.wiredata.view psbname=acctsam 
      select 'wire transaction';
    list view;

Note that the statement proc access dbms=ims is repeated in this example. See Creating Access and View Descriptors in One PROC Step for complete reference information about this statement.

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