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Using the SAS/ACCESS Interface to CA-IDMS

Example: Using the Trailing @ and the INPUT Statement with No Arguments

This example shows the use of the trailing @ and the INPUT statement with no arguments. This DATA step creates a SAS data set, DEPT5100, from data in the EMPLOYEE records in department number 5100. The subschema that is used defines the DEPARTMENT and the EMPLOYEE record with all their elements.

The example starts by issuing a BIND on the DEPARTMENT record and the EMPLOYEE record. This CA-IDMS call is required for each record that will be retrieved, but the BIND function itself does not retrieve any data. To generate these calls, a null INPUT statement is used. The same thing is done with the FIND CALC DEPARTMENT call. Once again, this call does not retrieve any data so the null INPUT statement is used.

Each OBTAIN call is issued by a CA-IDMS INPUT statement with a trailing @, so the retrieved record is placed in the buffer and held there. The ERR variable is checked. If a call results in an error, the job terminates. If a call is successful, another CA-IDMS INPUT statement moves the data to SAS variables in the program data vector, and the observation is written to the appropriate SAS data set. Using the Trailing @ and Null INPUT Statement shows the output of this example.

data work.dept5100(drop=filler);
infile empss01 idms func=func1 record=recname 
        sequence=iseq errstat=err ikey=ckey
        ikeylen=keylen keyoff=offset set=iset;

/* BIND the DEPARTMENT and EMPLOYEE       */
/* records; then, if successful           */

func1    = 'BIND';
recname  = 'DEPARTMENT';
if (err ne '0000') then go to staterr;
recname  = 'EMPLOYEE';
if (err ne '0000') then go to staterr;

/* FIND DEPT record with CALC key 5100    */
func1      = 'FIND';
recname    = 'DEPARTMENT';
ckey       = '5100';
keylen     = 4;
offset     = 0;
if (err ne '0000') then go to staterr;

/* Reset the options for the next call */

func1      = 'OBTAIN';
recname    = 'EMPLOYEE';
ckey       = '    ';
keylen     = 0;
offset     = 0;
iseq       = 'FIRST';
iset       = 'DEPT-EMPLOYEE';

do while (err = '0000');

   /*  OBTAIN EMPLOYEE records and test  */
   /*  for success */

   input @;
   if (err ne '0307' and err ne '0000') then
       go to staterr;
   if (err eq '0307') then do;
      _error_ = 0;
   input @1   employee_id     4.0
         @5   firstname       $char10.
         @15  lastname        $char15.
         @30  street          $char20.
         @50  city            $char15.
         @65  state           $char2.
         @67  zip             $char9.
         @75  phone           10.0
         @85  status          $char2.
         @87  ssnumber        9.0
         @96  startdate       8.0
         @104 termdate        8.0
         @112 birthdate       8.0;
   iseq = 'NEXT';
   put @1 'ERROR: ' @10 func1 @17 
          'returned err =' @37 err ;
proc print data=work.dept5100;
title1 'All the EMPLOYEES in the BRAINSTORMING 

Using the Trailing @ and Null INPUT Statement

                                      All the EMPLOYEES in the BRAINSTORMING Department     
Obs   id     firstname lastname   street             city       state  zip    phone   status  ssnumber startdate termdate birthdate
 1   466     ROY       ANDALE     44 TRIGGER RD      FRAMINGHAM  MA   03461 617554110   80   302760111  578061   500000    60030
 2   457     HARRY     ARM        77 SUNSET STRIP    NATICK      MA   02178 617432092   30   502877014  777120   100000    34040
 3   467     C.        BREEZE     200 NIGHTINGALE ST FRAMINGHAM  MA   03461 617554238   70   111155669  279060   200000    34050
 4   334     CAROLYN   CROW       891 SUMMER ST      WESTWOOD    MA   02090 617329177   60   102398011   79061   700000    44040
 5   301     BURT      LANCHESTER 45 PINKERTON AVE   WALTHAM     MA   01476 617534110   90   112904050  675020   300000    32041
 6    15     RENE      MAKER      10 DROVER DR       BOSTON      MA   02123 617452141   40   101067334  378010   200000    45052
 7   341     RICHARD   MUNYON     17 BLACKHILL DR    WESTWOOD    MA   02090 617329001   70   111100208  180111   400000    50121
 8   458     RICHARD   WAGNER     677 GERMANY LN     NATICK      MA   02178 617432110   90   101177666  378060   700000    34030

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