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Save a SAS program and set up a favorite folder

When you save your SAS programs, you can store them in a folder that's easy to access from the Explorer window.

  1. With the Editor window active, select Filethen Save As.

  2. The Save As window opens to a default folder on your system. In the File name box, type prodsales. Click Save. The file is saved with a .sas extension, indicating that it is a SAS program.

  3. In the Explorer window, double-click Favorite Folders.

  4. Right-click in the Favorite Folders window and select New Favorite Folder.

  5. In the New Favorite Folder window, type SAS programs in the Name box.

    New Favorites Folder window

  6. Click Browse. The Select window opens to the same default location where you saved the program. Verify that prodsales.sas is in the directory. Click OK to close the Select window.

  7. Click OK to close the New Favorite Folder window. SAS programs is added to the Favorite Folders window. This gives you a convenient way of accessing your SAS programs.

    Explorer window

    Now you've learned the basic steps for creating, submitting, and saving SAS programs. In the next section of this quick-start guide, you can choose sample SAS programs to investigate, experiment with, adapt, and save.

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