SAS stores dates and times as single, unique numbers so that you can
use them in programs like any other numeric variable:
- A SAS date value is a value that represents the number
of days between January 1, 1960, and a specified date. SAS can perform
calculations on dates ranging from A.D. 1582 to A.D. 19,900. Dates before
January 1, 1960, are negative numbers; dates after are positive numbers.
- A SAS time value is a value representing the number
of seconds since midnight of the current day. SAS time values are between
0 and 86400.

- A SAS datetime value is a value representing the
number of seconds between January 1, 1960 and an hour/minute/second
within a specified date.

To work with SAS date, time, and datetime values, you can use these
- Informats read a value, such as a clock time or a
calendar date, which may be of various lengths, and then convert the
data to a SAS date, time, or datetime value.
- Formats present a value recognized by SAS, such as
a time or date value, as a calendar date or clock time of various lengths.
- Functions perform operations on SAS date, time, and
datetime values.