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Illustrated Guide to Portal Styles

You can easily customize the appearance of the SAS Information Delivery Portal by modifying the cascading style sheets that control the portal's text and background colors. Cascading style sheets are a standard mechanism for defining consistent and reusable formatting instructions for Web-based content.

The portal makes use of the following style sheets: Portal.css, sasStyle.css, and sasads.css. These style sheets are stored in the themes\default directory of the portal application. The following illustrations show how the styles in Portal.css and sasStyle.css styles affect the appearance of the various Portal screens:

For more information, you can also refer to the alphabetical Reference Guide to Portal Styles.

Styles on the Main Portal Screen

The following illustration shows which areas of the main portal screen are affected by the styles in Portal.css and sasStyle.css. To display more information about a style, click on the style name.

Portal screen, with labels showing CSS styles applied to each area

Styles on the Portal Package Viewer Screen

The following illustration shows which areas of the Portal Package Reader screen (and similar screens) are affected by the styles in Portal.css and sasStyle.css. To display more information about a style, click on the style name.

Package Viewer screen, with labels showing CSS styles applied to each area

Styles on the Portal Table Viewer Screen

The following illustration shows which areas of the Portal Table Reader screen (and similar screens) are affected by the styles in Portal.css and sasStyle.css. To display more information about a style, click on the style name.

Table Viewer screen, with labels showing CSS styles applied to each area

Styles on the Personalization Screen

The following illustration shows which areas of the Portal Personalization screen are affected by the styles in Portal.css and sasStyle.css. To display more information about a style, click on the style name.

Personalization screen, with labels showing CSS styles applied to each area

For more information refer to the alphabetical Reference Guide to Portal Styles.

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