Contents SAS/IntrNet 8.2: Xplore Previous Next

Using Xplore

FunctionUser Action
Display members of a library or catalog Select one or more library (Library icon) or catalog (Catalog icon) entries from the left frame of your browser window and a list of members appears below each entry that you select.

If the library or catalog is empty, an open folder icon appears next to the library or catalog entry but nothing is listed under the entry.

Collapse a library or catalog list Select the opened library (Opened library icon) or catalog (Opened catalog icon) that you want to close and
  • the icon changes to a closed icon
  • the list of members collapses back into the entry.
Display or work with members of libraries and catalogs Select the item in the left frame. Usually, the right frame displays the results of your selection, though the behavior of the browser can vary depending on your browser's configuration. Select a link from the lists below to see instructions for working with that entry in the right frame of Xplore.

Library Entries

  • any data set entries (data files Data file icon and data views Data view icon). When you select a data set entry, Xplore determines which of the following types of entries it is and presents the corresponding dialog:

  • Data Mining Data Base ( DMDB ) entries DMDB icon,
    Financial Data Base ( FDB ) entries FDB icon,
    ITEMSTOR entries ITEMSTOR icon,
    MDDB entries MDDB icon, and
    SAS/ACCESS entries SAS/ACCESS entry icon
    are currently not displayable by Xplore.

Catalog Entries

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