Contents SAS/IntrNet 1.2: Xplore Previous Next


<script language="Javascript">
function loadlibrarylist()
 // change the following values as appropriate:
 brokername = '/cgi-bin/broker';
 servicename = 'default';
 xplorelocation = 'sample.websamp';

 // the following are optional. set them to ' ' if not wanted.
 debugvalue = '2';       // debug option - defaults to value in broker.cfg if not set
 bgtype = 'COLOR';       // background COLOR or IMAGE for generated HTML
 bg = '%23ffffe7';       // either a color or a URL for an image, depending on bgtype
 giflocation = ' ';      // location of gif icons - defaults to same directory as this html file

 // define the member types to include - leave blank for all, e.g., 
 //      new Array('data','view')
 // says only include datasets and views
 memtypes = new Array();

 // define the libraries to include/exclude - e.g., 
 //      exclude new Array('sashelp','sasuser')
 // says to exclude sashelp and sasuser.
 // only one of them should be provided
 include = new Array();
 exclude = new Array('sashelp');

 // do not touch the rest of this code
 if (brokername.charAt(0) == '/')
      url = 'http://' + + brokername + "?_service=" + servicename;
 else url = brokername + "?_service=" + servicename;

 // check for IE4 and invoke dynamic html version if appropriate
 var MS=navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE");
 if ((MS>0) && ((parseInt(navigator.appVersion.substring(MS+5,MS+6)) >= 4) &&       (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE"))>0 && (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("B1"))==-1)) 
    xplorelocation = xplorelocation + '.dhxplore.macro';
 else xplorelocation = xplorelocation + '.xplore.macro';

 url = url + '&_program=' + xplorelocation;
 if (debugvalue != ' ') url = url + '&_debug=' + debugvalue;
 if (bgtype != ' ') url = url + '&bgtype=' + bgtype;
 if (bg != ' ') url = url + '&bg=' + bg;
 if (memtypes.length > 0)
  { thelist = '\'' + memtypes[0] + '\'';
    for (i = 1; i < memtypes.length; i++) thelist = thelist + ',\'' + memtypes[i] + '\'';
    url = url + '&memtypes=' + thelist;
 if (include.length > 0)
  { thelist = '\'' + include[0] + '\'';
    for (i = 1; i < include.length; i++) thelist = thelist + ',\'' + include[i] + '\'';
    url = url + '&sel_libs=' + thelist;
 if (exclude.length > 0)
  { thelist = '\'' + exclude[0] + '\'';
    for (i = 1; i < exclude.length; i++) thelist = thelist + ',\'' + exclude[i] + '\'';
    url = url + '&exc_libs=' + thelist;
 if (giflocation == ' ')
  { giflocation = location.href;
    lastslash = giflocation.length + 1;
    for (i = 0; i < giflocation.length; i++)
       if (giflocation.charAt(i) == '/') lastslash = i;
    giflocation = giflocation.substring(0,lastslash);
 url = url + '&gifbase=' + giflocation;

// use the line below if your browsers don't support the location replace function
// location.href = url; 

<BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffe7" onLoad="loadlibrarylist()">
<H1>Loading Libraries.</H1>
<H2>Please be patient...</H2>

Contents SAS/IntrNet 1.2: Xplore Previous Next