Contents SAS/IntrNet 8.2: MDDB Report Viewer Previous Next

MDDB Report Viewer Variables

The MDDB Report Viewer uses macro variables that are set by users and passed into the viewer when the application executes. Table 1 lists and describes the macro variables.

The MDDB Report Viewer also uses global variables that you can set in the REQUEST INIT program that is used by your application server. Table 2 lists and describes these variables. For more information on the REQUEST INIT program, see PROC APPSRV, REQUEST Statement syntax.

Table 1. MDDB Report Viewer Macro Variables

Variable Name Description Details
MDDB Selected MDDB Selected MDDB (for example, SASHELP.PRDMDDB)
METABASE Selected metabase Selected metabase (for example, SASHELP.MBEIS)
SR First row to display in the table  
NR Number of rows to display in the table  
D Down Hierarchies and category variables
AC Across Hierarchies andcategory variables
A Analysis variable Analysis variable. This macro variable is deprecated.
S Statistic Globally-applied statistic. This macro variable is deprecated.
Am Analysis variable Analysis variable, where m designates the particular variable.
AmSn Statistic Statistic that is applied only to the analysis variable specified by Am. n designates the particular statistic. For example, A1S1 and A1S2 designate statistics that are applied only to the A1 analysis variable.
SV Filter variables Category variables to filter by
SL Filter variable values Values to filter by (for example, SL=COUNTRY:CANADA)
EX Expand values For example, EX=COUNTRY=CANADA
V Down dimension drill-down values For example, V=YEAR=1995
VA Across dimension drill-down values For example, VA=PRODTYPE=FURNITURE
ST Display table 1=yes, 2=no
DT Default title Max length=200
DP Show drill-path in title 1=yes, 2=no
DC Show down totals 1=yes
ACB Show across totals 1=yes
GSC Graph source 1=3D Clickable Graph, 2=Standard GIF Graph(SAS/GRAPH)
GL Graph location 1=bottom, 2=top, 3=left, 4=right
SPDSHT Download to Spreadsheet flag  
GW Graph width Default=600, max length=4
GH Graph height Default=450, max length=4
SSL Filter list box location 1=right, 2=left, 3=top, 4=bottom
SW Filter list box width Default=15
SH Filter list box height Default=3
VIEW View Report button Value=View Report
GD Graph down variable Category variable for graphing
GA Graph across variable Across variable for filtering graph values
GG Graph group variable Graph group-by variable, second innermost down variable
GSG Graph subgroup variable Graph subgroup-by variable, third innermost down variable
SD Down variable Same as D, needed for Filter FORM
SAC Across variable Same as AC, needed for Filter FORM
CLASS WEBEIS class name For subclassing, default is SASHELP.WEBEIS.WEBEIS.CLASS
CSS Stylesheet URL Applies to variable selection and report pages
CSST Toolbar stylesheet URL Applies to toolbar frame; if not specified, uses CSS value

Table 2. MDDB Report Viewer Global Variables

Variable Name Description Details
VMDOFF Turn VERIFYMD checking off Any nonblank character turns it off; the default is on
_GRFONT   SWISSB is the default; use SAS font names
_MRVHELP URL of help file The default is the Hints and Tips page:
_MRTBLOC Toolbar location 1=top, 2=bottom, 3=left, 4=right, and 5=none; the default is top
_MRVSEP Download to spreadsheet delimiter A comma is the default
_MRVTBSC Toolbar frame scrolling NO or blank indicates no scrolling, YES adds a scrollbar to frame
_MRVTBSZ Toolbar size in pixels A character string of the form (horiz, vert); the default is (50, 125)
_MRNODIMBOXES Turns off the down and across list boxes and the View Report button on display A nonblank value turns this off; the default is on
_MRNOFRAMES Indicates whether to use HTML frames in the output A nonblank value turns this off; the default is on
_MRNOVARCHECK Turns off the down and across variable selection error checking A nonblank value turns this off; the default is on
_MRBODYONLY Nonblank Outputs the HTML between the <BODY> and </BODY> tags on the Layout and the Report pages.
_MRVFRAMESET Enables you to specify a custom <FRAMESET> tag on the Report page  
_MRVNOPGOP Nonblank Turns off the paging feature
_MRVRNDX1 Value for the radio button that represents the first number of rows The default is All
_MRVRNDX2 Value for the radio button that represents the second number of rows The default is 25
_MRVRNDX3 Value for the radio button that represents the third number of rows The default is 50
_MRVRNDX4 Value for the radio button that represents the fourth number of rows The default is 100
_MRVNRLKS The minimum number of paging lines to display beneath the report table The default is 5
_MRNOSORT Turns off the sorting feature A nonblank value turns this off; the default is on
_MRTBLPRM Sets report <TABLE> tag parameters For example, "CELLPADDING=4 CELLSPACING=2 BORDER=3"

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