SAS/IntrNet 8.2: MDDB Report Viewer |
Complete the following steps in order to set up the necessary system repository manager files. You must have write access to SASHELP in order to specify the system repository manager.
Create a directory that will be dedicated exclusively to the storage of repository manager files. For example:
Windows users: !SASROOT\RPOSMGR
Do not store other SAS files in this directory.
At a SAS command line, type REPOSMGR
and then select Setup Repository Manager.
In the Repository Manager Setup window, Library will default to RPOSMGR. For Path, specify the path from step 1, above, and then select the Write values to system registry check box. Then select OK.
In the resulting dialog window, select Yes in order to generate the necessary repository manager files.
This completes the setup for the System Repository Manager. You can create additional repository managers (a user repository manager, for example) by repeating the steps above and by using a different path.
Note: This step sets the default location for the repository manager for your site. Individual users can override this location by executing the previous steps.
SAS/IntrNet 8.2: MDDB Report Viewer |