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Sets the graphing variables and calls a graphing method

This method sets the default graphing variables if their values have not been specified and calls the appropriate graphing method (_OUTPUT_STANDARD_GRAPH_ or _OUTPUT_CLICKABLE_GRAPH_) for the selected graph source.


 CALL SEND(OBJID,'_DISPLAY_GRAPH_',url,service,_argument-string,
Where... Is Type... And Contains...
url C the broker component of the URL
service C the broker service that is being used
_argument-string C the argument string for the next query
_argument-sring2 C the argument string for the next query
graph-type C the selected graph type
analysis-variable C the analysis variable that is to be graphed
statistic-variable C the statistic that is to be graphed
down-variable C the down variable that is to be graphed
across-variable N the across variable that is to be graphed
webcls C the WEBEIS class name.

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