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Opens the two-way report table. This method:

  • Outputs the <TABLE> tag.

  • Calls emddb_m _GET_CLASS_LABEL_ to get the label of the Across variable.

  • Outputs the Across variable label cell.

  • Outputs the arrow <IMAGE> tag if drilldown has occurred.


 CALL SEND(OBJID,'_OPEN_TWOWAY_',column-list,viewreport-flag,_url,_argument-string

Where... Is Type... And Contains...
column-list N The column list from the _emddb_m.
viewreport-flag N The View Report button flag.
_url C The Broker component of the URL.
_argument-string C The argument string for the next query.
_argument-string2 C The argument string for the next query.
_argument-string3 C The argument string for next query.
initial-url C The URL of the initial HTML page.
url C The URL for the next query.
service C The Broker service that is being used.
analysis-variable C The analysis variable to be graphed.
statistic-variable C The statistic to be graphed.
analysis-variable N The analysis variable to be graphed.
background-type C An optional background type (IMAGE or COLOR).
background-value C An optional background value.
webeis-class C The WEBEIS class name.
dlflag N A flag that indicates whether to download the table to a spreadsheet, where 0 = output HTML tags with data values; 1 = output data values with spreadsheet delimiters.

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