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Outputs the <FRAME> tag to create the frame in which the report is displayed.


  CALL SEND(OBJID,'_OUTPUT_TOOLBAR_',vrflag,url,service,grphvar,grphstat,

Where... Is Type... And Contains...
vrflag N a flag indicating that the View Report button was pressed.
url C the broker component of the URL.
service C the broker service that is being used.
grphvar C the analysis variable to be graphed.
grphstat C the statistic to be graphed.
grphdown C the down dimension variable to be graphed.
grphtype C the selected graph type.
bgtype C the background type (IMAGE, COLOR, or blank).
bg C the background value.
title C the title. This value is optional.
webcls C the WEBEIS class name.
tbloc C the toolbar location, where 1=top, 2=bottom, 3=left, 4=right, 5=none.


The following example illustrates the output produced by this method:

<A HREF="/cgi-bin/broker/prdmddb.csv?_service=default&_debug=0&_program=sashelp.webeis.oprpt.scl&SPDSHT=X
&ST=1&GL=1&DC=1&ACB=1&DP=1&_SAVEAS=prdmddb.csv" TARGET="_self"><IMG CLASS="imgdown" SRC="/my_images/btn_xls.gif" ALT="Download to Spreadsheet" BORDER=0></A>
<A HREF="" onClick="this.href=clsurl('ROTATE=1&_PROGRAM=SASHELP.WEBEIS.SHOWRPT.SCL')" TARGET="_parent"><IMG CLASS="imgrotate" SRC="/my_images/btn_rot.gif" ALT="Rotate" BORDER=0></A>
<A HREF="" onClick="this.href=clsurl('_PROGRAM=SASHELP.WEBEIS.MDDBRPTS.SCL')" TARGET="_parent">
<IMG CLASS="imglay" SRC="/my_images/btn_lay.gif" ALT="Layout" BORDER=0></A>
<A HREF="" TARGET="_blank"><IMG CLASS="imghelp" SRC="/my_images/btn_hlp.gif" ALT="Help" BORDER=0></A>

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