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Calls methods to produce one-way tabular reports. This method performs the following tasks:

  • checks for selected down and analysis variables and statistics

  • calls the _OPEN_ method of the metabase

  • calls the _GET_HIERARCHY_ method of the metabase to get the list of hierarchies

  • calls the _BUILD_APPLICATION_LIST_ method

  • calls the _BUILD_ARGS_STRING_ method

  • calls the _BUILD_ARGS2_STRING_ method

  • calls the _GET_VARIABLES_ method of the metabase class to get the list of analysis variables

  • calls the _SET_DRILL_LEVELS_ method, if necessary, to drill to the current level

  • calls the _SET_APPLICATION_ method of the data model

  • calls the _EXPAND_VALUE_ method of the data model for all expanded variables to request the expanded data values

  • calls the _GET_CLASS_COMBINATIONS_ method of the data model to get the row list

  • calls the _GET_CLASS_COMBINATIONS_ method of the data model to get the column list

  • calls the _OUTPUT_DOWN_LIST_ method to output the list of down variables and outputs the HTML tags to format the selection list

  • calls the _OPEN_ONEWAY_ method

  • calls the _DISPLAY_ANALYSIS_VARS_ method

  • calls the _DISPLAY_DOWNVAR_CELL_ method

  • calls the _DISPLAY_STATISTIC_VARS_ method

  • calls the _DISPLAY_VALUES_ method



Where... Is Type... And Contains...
dlflag N a flag that indicates whether to download the table to a spreadsheet

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