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Builds the application list for the data model. This method performs the following tasks:

  • copies the Report Gallery Template application list

  • changes the Table name on the application list to the selected MDDB

  • replaces the metabase name on the application list with the selected metabase

  • calls _BUILD_DOWNL_LIST to add the selected down variables to the application list

  • calls _BUILD_ACROSSL_LIST to add the selected across variables to the application list (if necessary)

  • calls _BUILD_ANALYSIS_LIST to add the selected analysis variables to the application list

  • calls _BUILD_STATS_LIST to add the selected statistics to the application list

  • calls _CLEAR_POPUP_ to clear the unneeded popup_l sublist on the application list

  • calls _BUILD_TOTAL_ to turn report totals on for the down variables

  • calls _BUILD_TOTAL_ to turn report totals on for the across variables (if necessary)

For more information on the structure of application lists, see the online documentation for SAS/EIS software.


 CALL SEND(OBJID,'_BUILD_APPLICATION_LIST_',application-list,metabase-id,

Where... Is Type... And Contains...
application-list N the list ID of the application list.
metabase-id N the ID number of the metabase.
catalog-entry C the catalog entry of the Report Gallery template.
down-variable C the variable selected for the down dimension (optional). (This parameter is included for compatibility with previous releases of this application.)
across-variable C the variable selected for the across dimension (optional). (This parameter is included for compatibility with previous releases of this application.)


applist= makelist();
mbid= instance(loadclass('SASHELP.MB.METABASE.CLASS'));
downvar= 'Geographic';
rc=insertc(downvars_, downvar, -1);
acrosvar= 'Year';
rc=insertc(acrvars_, acrosvar, -1);
call send(webid,'_BUILD_APPLICATION_LIST_',applist,mbid,centry);

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