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Specifying the System Repository Manager Location

Follow these steps to specify the location of the system repository manager.

  1. Create a directory that will be dedicated exclusively to the storage of repository manager files, for example:

    • Windows users: !SASROOT\RPOSMGR


    • VMS users: !SAS$ROOT:[RPOSMGR]

    This directory should not be used to store other SAS files.

    Note: This system repository manager path will be used later in this task.

  2. Type REGEDIT at a SAS command line. From the menu bar, select Tools [arrow] Options [arrow] Registry Editor to open the Registry Editor Options window. In the Select Registry View region, select the View All check box and then select OK. From the menu bar, select File [arrow] Close to close the Registry Editor window.

  3. Type REGEDIT again at a SAS command line. Under the HKEY_SYSTEM_ROOT tree, expand CORE and REPOSITORY. Select the REPOSITORY_MGR node. From the menu bar, select Tools [arrow] Options [arrow] Registry Editor Select Open HKEY_SYSTEM_ROOT for write access. Then select OK.

  4. Select the Path item in the right window. From the pop-up menu, select Modify. Type the path from Step 1, above; for example, type !SASROOT\RPOSMGR. Select OK to close the Edit String Value window. From the menu bar, select File [arrow] Close to close the Registry Editor window and to save the changes.

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