Contents SAS/IntrNet 8.2: Application Dispatcher Previous Next

Creating a Service on CMS

To create a service for an Application Server running in a CMS environment, perform the following steps:

  1. From the ready prompt, execute the INETCFG EXEC:

    As the configuration exec runs, you are prompted for information about the service that you are creating. At any prompt you can enter quit or exit to terminate the exec. At each prompt, the default response is displayed in parentheses; you can choose that response by pressing Enter.

  2. At the first prompt, enter the name of the service. The default name is default.

  3. The next prompt is for the type of service that you are defining. Press Enter to accept the default Socket type, because the other types are not yet supported on CMS.

  4. Next, specify the number of servers that you want to include in this service. The default is 1.

  5. You are prompted to type a TCP/IP port number or name for each of the servers that you requested in step four.

  6. The next prompt asks if you want to protect this service with an administrator password. Enter Yes or No. If you answer Yes, you will be prompted to enter the password. The password will not be displayed on the screen as you type.

  7. The exec then displays the information that you have entered so far. Verify that the information is correct and enter Yes to accept it or No to exit.

  8. The exec then asks for a location where you want the configuration files to be written. Specify either a filemode letter or an SFS directory name that you have write access to.

  9. The exec then asks for the location where the sample source files will be accessible to the server at the time that it is running. Specify either a filemode letter that the server will have accessed, a minidisk userid and address that the server will be able to link to, or an SFS directory name that the server will have read authority for.

  10. The exec then asks for the location where the sample data will be accessible to the server at the time that it is running. Specify either a filemode letter that the server will have accessed, a minidisk userid and address that the server will be able to link to, or an SFS directory name that the server will have read authority for.

  11. The exec completes by creating a SAS program and a start-up EXEC for each server and displays the list of steps you follow in order to complete the installation.

    If you have created the configuration files in a staging area, you will need to move them to the respective servers' disks. To have a server automatically start when it is logged on, use the generated exec as its PROFILE EXEC, or include the code from the exec in an existing PROFILE EXEC.

    Note: Log files are placed in the logs directory under the service root directory. The log fileref is defined to be


    where %a is the day of the week and %p is the service port used.

    Log filenames will appear in the following format:

       Mon_5001.log, Tue_5001.log

    By default, logs are kept for one week (six full days and one partial day) and then overwritten.

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