Contents SAS/IntrNet 1.2: Application Dispatcher Previous Next

Stopping the Application Server

If you are running the Application Server interactively, you can terminate it by simply interrupting the SAS software as you always have: press Ctrl+Break (PC) or use the Session Manager's interrupt button (UNIX).

You can also shut it down remotely by invoking a URL with _program=endsas. You can invoke this URL by typing it in your Web browser location field like this


or by associating it with a link in the HTML file. For example,

   <A HREF="/cgi-bin/broker?_service=default&_program=endsas">
   Shut down</A>

If the server does not require a password, then it will shut down. If you defined a password at the time you started the server, you will also need to include _PASSWD=<PASSWORD> on the URL. For example,

   <A HREF="/cgi-bin/broker?_service=default&_program=endsas&_passwd=foobar">
   Shut down</A>

The order and case of name/value pairs does not matter.

Contents SAS/IntrNet 1.2: Application Dispatcher Previous Next