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SAS/IntrNet 9.1: Application Dispatcher |
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Controls writing of request statistics to a data set
STATISTICS CREATE=library.dataset <(data-set-options)>;
STATISTICS DATA=library.dataset <(data-set-options)> <ADDPORT> <EXITONERROR> <TEMPLATE=library.dataset <(data-set-options)>> <WRITECOUNT=n> <WRITEEVERY=n>;
Server administrators can use the default data set variables that are supplied by the Application Server, or they can modify the variables that are written to the data set, by removing default variables and adding variables of their own.
This option is only used in a standalone SAS session. Do NOT use it when starting the Application Server for application processing. The CREATE= option creates an empty SAS data set containing the default statistics data set variables. The data set can then be modified using a DATA step (to add new variables or drop existing default variables). The modified data set can then be used with the STATISTICS DATA= or TEMPLATE= option. See the Customizing the Statistics Data Set for an example of how to create and modify the statistics dataset.
The library specification must be a library that is specified in one of the Application Server ALLOCATE statements. This enables the Application Server to define the library for the server and for administrative requests.
Note: On z/OS, the library containing the statistics data set cannot use the DISP=NEW option because the library might be assigned multiple times. If you wish to create a new statistics data set when running PROC APPSRV, issue the LIBNAME statement with DISP=NEW before the PROC APPSRV statement. For example,
libname statds '...' disp=new; proc appsrv port=5800; allocate library statds '...'; statistics data=statds.stats; run;
If EXITONERROR is not set, a write failure causes the Application Server to queue STATISTICS observations and periodically attempt to write them to the data set. The Application Server will continue to process client requests. If the error condition is not corrected and the Application Server is stopped, any queued STATISTICS observations are lost.
The specified library must be defined externally to PROC APPSRV.
The following table shows the default variables:
Variable Name | Variable Type | Description |
Obstype | Character length 1 | R = request, I = Internal, U = startup, D = shutdown, T = trace |
Okay | Character length 1 | 1 = request ran okay, 0 = error |
Duplex | Character length 1 | H = half duplex, F = full duplex |
Http | Character length 1 | 1 = http request, 0= normal broker request |
Program | Character length 32 | _PROGRAM variable |
Peeraddr | Character length 16 | Peer address |
Hostname | Character length 20 | Node name of the server |
Username | Character length 12 | _USERNAME variable, if any |
Entry | Character length 32 | _ENTRY variable, if any |
Sessionid | Character length 12 | _SESSIONID, if any |
Service | Character length 12 | Service name |
Starttime | Number | Time the request started |
Runtime | Number | Run time of the request |
Port | Number | Server port number |
Bytesin | Number | Number of input bytes (read from client) |
Bytesout | Number | Number of output bytes (written to client) |
Cputime | Number | Amount of usage time for CPU for the request. This field is only available on z/OS systems. The STIMER option must be enabled to get valid Cputime values. The STIMER option is the default for z/OS. |
In some cases, you might want to modify the list of variables in the data set. The example below shows how to
First, create a default data set using the following code:
proc appsrv port=0; statistics create=work.stdstat; run;
This command creates the data set called STDSTAT in the WORK library, and writes the default list of variables to it. Next, use a DATA step to create a modified data set, as follows:
libname statlib 'path-to-library'; data statlib.stats; /* change program length to 40 - you must change var defns before anything else */ length program $40; /* start with the default data set */ set work.stdstat; /* set up EMPNO and EMPDEPT variables */ attrib empno length=$8 label='Employee Number'; attrib empdept length=$32 label='Employee Department'; /* drop service */ drop service; /* do not select any observations (there are none) from the previous data set */ stop; run;
The STATLIB.STATS data set now contains the desired variables. Modify your appstart.sas file to save statistics to this data set, as follows:
proc appsrv ...; ... allocate library statlib 'path-to-library'; statistics data=statlib.stats; run;
The Application Server opens the statistics data set for WRITE access. This means that usually each server needs to write to its own data set. However, if a data set is accessed by using SAS/SHARE software, multiple servers can write to a single data set.
The following code is an example of a PROC APPSRV command that specifies that a single server accesses a single data set:
proc appsrv ... ; ... allocate library data '.'; STATISTICS DATA=data.stats; ... run;
The following is an example of a PROC APPSRV command that specifies that a server write statistics to a data set on a SAS/SHARE server:
proc appsrv ... ; ... allocate library data '.' server=host.sasapp11; STATISTICS DATA=data.stats; ... run;
Refer to SAS/SHARE documentation for more information about configuring, running, and accessing SAS/SHARE servers.
User applications can access the data set by using the _STATDATASET and _STATDATALIBNAME macro variables. The _STATDATASET macro variable contains the library.DATASET setting of the statistics data set for this server. The _STATDATALIBNAME contains the LIBNAME, the physical name, and the options of the ALLOCATE FILE statement for the statistics data set library. This enables the application to assign a LIBNAME to the library with additional options (for example, ACCESS=READONLY).
Before you access the data set with the _STATDATASET or _STATDATALIBNAME macro variables, check the status of the _STATDATASETAVAIL macro variable. It is set to one of the following values:
Value | Description |
OK | The statistics data set is enabled and available for use. |
NOADMINPW | The statistics data set is enabled, but the _ADMINPW password was not supplied for this request or was incorrect. The _STATDATASET and _STATDATALIBNAME variables are not defined in this case. |
NOSTATS | The statistics data set is not enabled. |
The following code is an example of assigning a libname and data access authority to the statistics data set library:
&_STATDATALIBNAME access=readonly; data RSTATS; set &_STATDATASET; where obstype='R'; keep program starttime runtime; run;
Note: Only requests with administrator privileges (if the PROC APPSRV ADMINPW option is not specified, all requests, otherwise only requests with a valid _ADMINPW) get these macro variables set. In this way, an administrator can control access to the data set.
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SAS/IntrNet 9.1: Application Dispatcher |
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