Used to set the renderer on the row headers of the TableView.
This tag must be nested within a sas:Rows tag.
[<sas:CellContentsImageRenderer ...>
[<sas:StyleInfo .../>]
[<sas:SetProperty ...>
The value to set on the parent tag
[Additional <sas:SetProperty> tags...]
[<sas:CellContentsLabelRenderer ...>
[<sas:StyleInfo .../>]
[<sas:SetProperty ...>
The value to set on the parent tag
[Additional <sas:SetProperty> tags...]
[<sas:CellContentsSimpleTemplateRenderer ...>
[<sas:SetProperty ...>
The value to set on the parent tag
[Additional <sas:SetProperty> tags...]
The html string used as the body of the cell. The string can
have substition variables of the form %COLUMNNAME and the value
for this column will be substituted into the string.
[<sas:SetProperty ...>
The value to set on the parent tag
[Additional <sas:SetProperty> tags...]
bgColor | The background color for this cell. The StyleInfo tag is now the preferred manner to change colors and other styles on cell renderers. |
colSpan | The number of columns for this cell to span. |
customAttributes | A list of attributes in the form of attribute="value", space delimited |
headers | Specifies the list of header cells that provide header information for the current data cell. The value of this attribute is a space-separated string of cell names. Those cells must be named by setting their id attribute. |
height | The height of the cell in pixels. |
heightPercentage | The height of the cell as a percentage. |
horizontalAlignment | The horizontal alignment of the cell. Valid values are: LEFT, CENTER, RIGHT, JUSTIFY, CHAR or NONE. The default is NONE (i.e. the browser default). |
id | Case-sensitive name used to identify the object instance. |
noWrap | If true, then automatic text wrapping is disabled. If used carelessly, this attribute may result in excessively wide cells. |
rowSpan | The number of rows for this cell to span. |
styleClassPrefix | The string to prepend to the styleClass property. |
verticalAlignment | The vertical alignment of the cell. Valid values are: TOP, CENTER, BOTTOM, BASELINE or NONE. The default is NONE (i.e. the browser default). |
width | The width of the cell in pixels. |
widthPercentage | The width of the cell as a percentage. |
More Information
To view the documentation for the related TransformationBean, see com.sas.servlet.tbeans.tableview.html.DefaultTableRowHeaderRenderer.
If you need to subclass the tag handler class for the sas:RowHeaderRenderer tag, extend com.sas.taglib.servlet.tbeans.tableview.RowHeaderRendererTag.