
Used to create a Button in a JSP page. Generates the appropriate HTML 4.0/XHTML 1.0 BUTTON tag attributes to represent a button.


      [<sas:StyleMapKey .../>]
      [<sas:SetProperty ...>
         The value to set on the parent tag
      [Additional <sas:StyleMapKey>, <sas:SetProperty> tags...]


accessKeyThe accesskey
activetrue if button is active, false otherwise
alternateTextThe text that provides tooltip when hovering over the image.
bottomImagethe name of the image
bottomLeftImagethe name of the image
bottomRightImagethe name of the image
customAttributesa list of attributes in the form of attribute="value", space delimited
disabledAlternateTextThe text that provides tooltip when hovering over the image.
disabledImageimage displayed in the button
dynamicButtonAreathe area of the button to be change dynamically when rollover, disabled and enabled.
dynamicRootNameThe image root value
enabledstate of the button
epilogText that is output immediately after the last markup tag.
focusthe focus state of the button
heightThe height in pixels
heightPercentageThe height as a percentage
idCase-sensitive name used to identify the object instance.
imageimage displayed in the button
imageLocationThe imageLocation value
imagePositionof the image
instantiateFlag that, if true, indicates that a new instance of the underlying class should be loaded if one cannot be found in PageContext. Must be used with an id attribute.
labelthe label of the button
leftImagethe name of the image
localeSpecifies the locale to use for this instance of the class.
nameValue assigned to the markup tag's name attribute.
objectDataPropertyValue assigned to the output tag's objectDataProperty attribute.
onBlurThe onBlur value
onClickThe onClick value
onFocusThe onFocus value
onKeyDownThe onKeyDown
onKeyPressThe onKeyPressValue
onKeyUpThe onKeyUp value
onMouseDownThe onMouseDown value
onMouseOutThe onMouseOut value
onMouseOverThe onMouseOver value
onMouseUpThe onMouseDown value
prologText that is output immediately preceeding the first markup tag.
refThe variable String value that represents an object created earlier in the same scope.
renderFlag that, if true, indicates that the complete markup of the bean is output when the tag is closed. It also sets the the visible property on the underlying TransformationBean.
rightImagethe name of the image
rolloverImageimage displayed when mouseover this button
scopeThe scope (or page context) within which the reference is available.
styleClassPrefixThe styleClassPrefix to use for the button.
tabIndexThe FormElement tabindex
targetThe value of the TARGET= argument on the anchor tag
titleThe title of the href
topImagethe name of the image
topLeftImagethe name of the image
topRightImagethe name of the image
urlthe url associated with the button
verifyEnabledtrue or false
widthThe width in pixels
widthPercentageThe width as a percentage
wraptrue if label is wrapped; false otherwise

More Information

To view the documentation for the related TransformationBean, see com.sas.servlet.tbeans.html.Button.

If you need to subclass the tag handler class for the sas:Button tag, extend com.sas.taglib.servlet.tbeans.ButtonTag.