// ShowTimenow:

// To specify a timenow reference line on a Gantt chart
//    1) Identify the date to use as the axis position for the timenow line.
//       Generate the specified date as a SAS Date value.
//    2) Optionally, create a StrokeLineStyle to define a line style for the timenow line
//    3) Create a ReferenceLine with the defined line style and axis position
//    4) Call the GraphModel's setTimeNowReferenceLineModel() to set the
//       reference line as the graph's timenow line

   import com.sas.graphics.components.ganttchart.GanttChart;
   import com.sas.graphics.components.GraphStyle;
   import com.sas.graphics.components.ganttchart.GanttChartModel;
   import com.sas.graphics.components.ReferenceLineModel;
   import com.sas.graphics.components.StrokeLineStyle;
   import com.sas.graphics.components.GraphConstants;
   import com.sas.measures.BaseLength;
   import com.sas.graphics.components.ganttchart.GanttChartTableDataModel;
   import com.sas.graphics.components.CompoundTimeAxisModel;
   import com.sas.graphics.components.TimePeriodModel;
   import com.sas.graphics.components.TimeLength;
   import com.sas.graphics.components.GraphConstants;
   import com.sas.graphics.components.Variable;
   import com.sas.graphics.components.TableAxisModel;
   import com.sas.graphics.components.TableAxisColumn;
   import com.sas.text.SASFormat;
   import com.sas.text.SASDateTimeFormat;
   import javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel;
   import java.awt.BorderLayout;
   import java.awt.Color;
   import java.awt.Container;
   import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter;
   import java.awt.event.WindowEvent;
   import javax.swing.JFrame;
   import javax.swing.JPanel;

   public class ShowTimenow extends JPanel {
     private ShowTimenow theApp;
     public ShowTimenow() {
        setLayout(new BorderLayout());

     // Create a data source for schedule data
        ScheduleData dataTable=new ScheduleData(); // defined below

     // Construct a data model that uses the schedule data
        GanttChartTableDataModel dataModel=
          new GanttChartTableDataModel(dataTable);

     // Construct a GanttChart using the data model and assigning the GANTTCHART graph style
        GanttChart ganttChart=new GanttChart(dataModel, new GraphStyle(GraphStyle.STYLE_GANTTCHART));

     // Define input and output format for dates
        String format = "DATE5.";
        String informat = "DATE5.";         	

     // 1) Create a SAS date to use for the timenow reference line's axis position
        SASFormat fmt = SASFormat.getInstance(informat);
        double axisPosition = ((SASDateTimeFormat)fmt).informat("05NOV");

     // 2) Create a StrokeLineStyle that defines a line style for the timenow line
        StrokeLineStyle blueLine = new StrokeLineStyle(
          new BaseLength(3, "pt"),

     // 3) Create a ReferenceLine with the defined line style and axis position
        ReferenceLineModel refLine = new ReferenceLineModel();

     // 4) Set the reference line as the graph's timenow reference line
        GanttChartModel graphModel = ganttChart.getGraphModel();

     // Assign the Task and date variable roles to the data model
        dataModel.setTaskVariable(new Variable("Task"));
        dataModel.setEarlyStartVariable(new Variable("EarlyStart", format, informat, "Early Start"));
        dataModel.setEarlyFinishVariable(new Variable("EarlyFinish", format, informat, "Early Finish"));
        dataModel.setLateStartVariable(new Variable("LateStart", format, informat, "Late Start"));
        dataModel.setLateFinishVariable(new Variable("LateFinish", format, informat, "Late Finish"));

     // Get the Date axis and change its characteristics
        GanttChartModel ganttChartModel = ganttChart.getGraphModel();
        CompoundTimeAxisModel dateAxis = ganttChartModel.getDateAxisModel();
        TimePeriodModel period1 = dateAxis.getTimePeriodModel1();
        period1.setTimeLength(new TimeLength(1, GraphConstants.TIME_INTERVAL_DAY));

     // Get the task axis and change its characteristics
        TableAxisModel tableAxisModel = ganttChartModel.getTableAxisModel();
         TableAxisColumn tac[] = new TableAxisColumn[1];
           tac[0] = new TableAxisColumn(new Variable("Task"));
           tac[0].setWidth(new BaseLength(1.5, "in"));

     // Set a graph title
        ganttChart.getTitle1().setText("Preliminary Schedule");
        add(ganttChart, BorderLayout.CENTER);
  // Create the data source
     static private class ScheduleData extends DefaultTableModel {
       private static Class  columnClass[]={
                   String.class, String.class, String.class, String.class, String.class};
       private static String columnNames[]={
                  "Task", "EarlyStart", "LateStart", "EarlyFinish", "LateFinish"};
         public ScheduleData() {
           Object data[][] = {
             {new String("Project Summary")   , new String("01NOV"), new String("02NOV"), new String("09NOV"), new String("11NOV") }, 
             {new String("Manufacturer Demos"), new String("03NOV"), new String("05NOV"), new String("12NOV"), new String("12NOV") }, 
             {new String("Needs Assessment")  , new String("06NOV"), new String("08NOV"), new String("07NOV"), new String("11NOV") }, 
             {new String("Market Survey")     , new String("04NOV"), new String("06NOV"), new String("08NOV"), new String("11NOV") }, 
             {new String("Determine Users")   , new String("02NOV"), new String("06NOV"), new String("07NOV"), new String("09NOV") }
           setDataVector(data, columnNames);
         public Class getColumnClass(int column) {
           return columnClass[column];
       public static void main(String[] args) {
      	  JFrame frame = new JFrame("BIP Graph Sample");
      	  Container container = frame.getContentPane();
          container.setLayout(new BorderLayout());

          JPanel bipPanel = new JPanel();
          bipPanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
          ShowTimenow  bipGraphSample = new ShowTimenow();

          bipPanel.add(bipGraphSample, BorderLayout.CENTER);
          container.add(bipPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);

          frame.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
              public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
          } );