// ChangeBarWidth:
// A graph's display properties (bar width, orientation, axis characteristics,
// and so on) are general properties that are defined in the graph's model.
// Thus, to change the width of bar elements,
// 1) Get the BarLineChart's graph model
// 2) Call setGrowBarWidthEnabled() to set the boolean to true
// 3) Call setBarWidth() to set a width for the bars
import com.sas.measures.BaseLength;
import com.sas.graphics.components.barlinechart.BarLineChart;
import com.sas.graphics.components.barlinechart.BarLineChartModel;
import com.sas.graphics.components.barlinechart.BarLineChartTableDataModel;
import com.sas.graphics.components.AnalysisVariable;
import com.sas.graphics.components.ClassificationVariable;
import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Container;
import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter;
import java.awt.event.WindowEvent;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel;
public class ChangeBarWidth extends JPanel {
private ChangeBarWidth theApp;
public ChangeBarWidth () {
setLayout(new BorderLayout());
// Create a BarLineChart and a data source
BarLineChart barLineChart=new BarLineChart();
SampleData dataTable=new SampleData();
// 1) Get the BarLineChart's graph model
BarLineChartModel graphModel=barLineChart.getGraphModel();
// 2) Call setGrowBarWidthEnabled() to set the boolean to true
// 3) Call setBarWidth() to set a width for the bars
graphModel.setBarWidth(new BaseLength("0.75in"));
// Create a data model and attach the data source
BarLineChartTableDataModel dataModel=
new BarLineChartTableDataModel();
// Assign the Category variable role, and optionally the
// Response variable role, to appropriate variable(s)
new ClassificationVariable("EnergyType"));
new AnalysisVariable("Produced"));
new AnalysisVariable("Consumed"));
// Assign the data model to the BarLineChart
// Set a graph title
barLineChart.getTitle1().setText("Energy Production");
add(barLineChart, BorderLayout.CENTER);
// Create the data source
static private class SampleData extends DefaultTableModel {
private static Class columnClass[]={String.class, String.class,
Double.class, Double.class};
private static String columnNames[]={"EnergyType","Year","Produced","Consumed"};
public SampleData() {
Object data[][] = {
{"coal", "1985", new Double(19.33), new Double(17.48) },
{"gas", "1985", new Double(16.92), new Double(17.85) },
{"petro", "1985", new Double(21.23), new Double(30.92) },
{"hydro", "1985", new Double(2.94), new Double(3.36) },
{"nuclear", "1985", new Double(4.15), new Double(4.15) },
{"geotherm", "1985", new Double(0.20), new Double(0.20) },
{"coal", "1986", new Double(19.51), new Double(17.26) },
{"gas", "1986", new Double(16.47), new Double(16.71) },
{"petro", "1986", new Double(20.53), new Double(32.20) },
{"hydro", "1986", new Double(3.03), new Double(3.40) },
{"nuclear", "1986", new Double(4.47), new Double(4.47) },
{"geotherm", "1986", new Double(0.22), new Double(0.22) },
{"coal", "1987", new Double(20.14), new Double(18.01) },
{"gas", "1987", new Double(17.05), new Double(17.67) },
{"petro", "1987", new Double(19.89), new Double(32.87) },
{"hydro", "1987", new Double(2.59), new Double(3.07) },
{"nuclear", "1987", new Double(4.91), new Double(4.91) },
{"geotherm", "1987", new Double(0.23), new Double(0.23) },
{"coal", "1988", new Double(20.94), new Double(18.81) },
{"gas", "1988", new Double(17.19), new Double(18.60) },
{"petro", "1988", new Double(19.52), new Double(33.96) },
{"hydro", "1988", new Double(2.32), new Double(2.62) },
{"nuclear", "1988", new Double(5.68), new Double(5.68) },
{"geotherm", "1988", new Double(0.22), new Double(0.22) }
setDataVector(data, columnNames);
public Class getColumnClass(int column) {
return columnClass[column];
public static void main(String[] args) {
JFrame frame = new JFrame("BIP Graph Sample");
Container container = frame.getContentPane();
container.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
JPanel bipPanel = new JPanel();
bipPanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
ChangeBarWidth bipGraphSample = new ChangeBarWidth ();
bipPanel.add(bipGraphSample, BorderLayout.CENTER);
container.add(bipPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
frame.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
} );