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Defining or Modifying Your Default Subscription Properties

Each subscription you create either directly or through a group gets your description and delivery transport information from the My Properties window. Changing your description and delivery transport information in the My Properties window updates all such information for all of your subscriptions that do not have their properties set individually.

To define or modify your default properties:

  1. Click the My Properties button.

  2. In the Delivery tab, enter a description and a delivery transport mechanism.

    Note: Depending on your selection, a different panel for collecting more information is displayed. You are limited to one of the following selections:

  3. Optionally, in the Advanced tab, you can define

    • Name/Value filters to determine the types of packages that you receive
    • Entry filters to determine the types of package entries that you receive
    • MIME Type filters to determine the types of files that you receive.

  4. Click the Save button ().

  5. Clicking the Refresh button () returns your properties to the values before the last time they were set.

    Note:   If you save and then refresh your properties, you need to click the Save button again to reload values in order to make them permanent.   [cautend]

    See also

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