Contents Developing Java Clients Previous Next

* Using the Workspace
* Connecting with Directly
Supplied Server Properties
* Connecting with Server Properties
Read from an LDAP Server

* Language Service

* Using Java CORBA
Stubs for IOM Objects
* Null References
* Exception Handling
* Output Parameters
* Generic Object
* IOM Objects
That Support More
Than One Stub
* Events and
Connection Points
* Datetime Values

* Getting a JDBC
Connection Object

* Returning a Workspace
to the Workspace Factory


Using the IOM Server

This section introduces the steps necessary to construct and execute a Java application that uses the IOM server. As you become more familiar with Java client programming for the IOM server, you can build on these steps to exploit the more sophisticated features of the IOM server.

The first step in developing and running a client program is to make sure you have access to a properly configured server. Refer to SAS Integration Technologies Administrator for information on server configuration in various environments. As is the case in client development, you can start with a basic server configuration and then move into more a sophisticated configuration over time.

Once the IOM server has been configured, you can begin developing a Java client for it. All Java clients access an IOM server using the following steps:

  1. From the Workspace Factory, obtain a Workspace object connected to an IOM server .

  2. Use Java CORBA stubs for IOM objects and JDBC connection objects to exploit the power of SAS in the IOM server .

  3. Return the Workspace object to the Workspace Factory for disconnection or reuse.

To get started, you can put together a simple client application just by composing the examples given for each step. Then you can continue to read the additional documentation we have provided and learn about Java client programming for the IOM server in greater detail.