Setting Up an IOM Bridge Server |
If the spawner is to service more than one client userid, the spawner should run under an account that has the following privileges:
These privileges are required in order for the spawner to create a detached process with the connecting client as the owner.
If the spawner is to service one client, the spawner may be launched under that client's userid.
Note: If you are printing or using SAS/GRAPH procedures, you must set the display to a machine running an X server. For example:
set display/create/transport=tcpip/node=<ip address of machine running X server>
Included as part of the installation of the Integration Technologies product are some sample DCL files that demonstrate how to start the daemon as a detached process. The files listed here are all located in SAS$ROOT:[MISC.INTTECH]. Make a backup copy of these files before making any modifications.
Setting Up an IOM Bridge Server |