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Starting a Spawner on Alpha/VMS

If the spawner is to service more than one client userid, the spawner should run under an account that has the following privileges:


These privileges are required in order for the spawner to create a detached process with the connecting client as the owner.

If the spawner is to service one client, the spawner may be launched under that client's userid.

Note: If you are printing or using SAS/GRAPH procedures, you must set the display to a machine running an X server. For example:

   set display/create/transport=tcpip/node=<ip address of machine running X server>

Included as part of the installation of the Integration Technologies product are some sample DCL files that demonstrate how to start the daemon as a detached process. The files listed here are all located in SAS$ROOT:[MISC.INTTECH]. Make a backup copy of these files before making any modifications.

executes OBJSPAWN.COM as a detached process.

runs the spawner. OBJSPAWN.COM also includes other commands that your site may need in order to run the appropriate version of the spawner, to set the display node, to define a process level logical pointing to a template DCL file (OBJSPAWN_TEMPLATE.COM), and perform any other actions needed before the spawner is started.

performs setup that is needed in order for the client process to execute. The spawner first checks to see if the logical SAS$OBJSPAWN_TEMPLATE is defined. If it is, the commands in the template file are executed as part of the command sequence used when starting the client session. You do not have to define the logical name.

provides a sample configuration file for the spawner.

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