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MIME Type Filters

MIME types provide details about the information being published. For example, specifying the MIME type "audio/basic" indicates that the file is an audio file and requires software that can interpret such content. It is the responsibility of publishers to specify the appropriate MIME type parameters for the information they publish.

Subscribers can filter the type of information they receive by typing a MIME type into the Inclusion or Exclusion field. For example, if a subscriber is connecting via a modem, some data types may be too large or unwieldy to use, such as movies or audio. By excluding those MIME types, the subscriber never encounters those types of information.

Entering MIME type filters

To enter MIME type filters, type the content string into the Inclusion or Exclusion field and press Enter.

Deleting MIME types

To delete a MIME type, select the entry and press the Delete key.

Some common MIME types:

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