%macro existchk(data=, var=, dmsg=e, vmsg=e); %global status; %let status=ok; %if &dmsg=e %then %let dmsg=ERROR; %else %if &dmsg=w %then %let dmsg=WARNING; %else %let dmsg=NOTE; %if &vmsg=e %then %let vmsg=ERROR; %else %if &vmsg=w %then %let vmsg=WARNING; %else %let vmsg=NOTE; %if %quote(&data) ne %then %do; %if %sysfunc(exist(&data)) ne 1 %then %do; %put &dmsg: Data set %upcase(&data) not found.; %let status=nodata; %end; %else %if &var ne %then %do; %let dsid=%sysfunc(open(&data)); %if &dsid %then %do; %let i=1; %do %while (%scan(&var,&i) ne %str() ); %let var&i=%scan(&var,&i); %if %sysfunc(varnum(&dsid,&&var&i))=0 %then %do; %put &vmsg: Variable %upcase(&&var&i) not found in data %upcase(&data).; %let status=novar; %end; %let i=%eval(&i+1); %end; %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid)); %end; %else %put ERROR: Could not open data set &data.; %end; %end; %else %do; %put &dmsg: Data set not specified.; %let status=nodata; %end; %mend; %macro PRcurve(version, data=_last_, inpred=, pred=, npoints=100, beta=1, optvars=, sensdelta=1e-10, sensinc=1e-14, options=area pprob markers br ppvzero nooptimal) / minoperator; %let time = %sysfunc(datetime()); %let _version=1.1; %if &version ne %then %put NOTE: &sysmacroname macro Version &_version; %if %quote(&data)=_last_ %then %let data=&syslast; %local notesopt; %let notesopt = %sysfunc(getoption(notes)) _last_=%sysfunc(getoption(_last_)); %let version=%upcase(&version); %if %index(&version,DEBUG) %then %do; options notes mprint %if %index(&version,DEBUG2) %then mlogic symbolgen; ; %put _user_; %end; %else %do; options nonotes nomprint nomlogic nosymbolgen; %end; /* Check for newer version */ %let _notfound=0; %let _newver=0; filename _ver url 'http://ftp.sas.com/techsup/download/stat/versions.dat' termstr=crlf; data _null_; infile _ver end=_eof; input name:$15. ver; if upcase(name)="&sysmacroname" then do; call symput("_newver",ver); stop; end; if _eof then call symput("_notfound",1); run; options notes; %if &syserr ne 0 or &_notfound=1 or &_newver=0 %then %put NOTE: Unable to check for newer version of &sysmacroname macro.; %else %if %sysevalf(&_newver > &_version) %then %do; %put NOTE: A newer version of the &sysmacroname macro is available at; %put NOTE- this location: http://support.sas.com/ ; %end; %if %index(%upcase(&version),DEBUG)=0 %then options nonotes;; /* Check inputs */ %existchk(data=&data) %if &status=nodata %then %goto exit; %let dsid=%sysfunc(open(&data)); %if &dsid %then %do; %let type=; %if %sysfunc(varnum(&dsid,%upcase(problevel))) %then %let type=ctable; %if %sysfunc(varnum(&dsid,%upcase(_prob_))) %then %let type=roc; %end; %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid)); %if &type= %then %do; %put ERROR: DATA= data set must be and OUTROC= or CTABLE data set.; %goto exit; %end; %if &inpred ne %then %do; %existchk(data=&inpred) %if &status=nodata %then %goto exit; %if &pred= or &optvars= %then %do; %put ERROR: PRED= and OPTVARS= are required when INPRED= is specified.; %goto exit; %end; %else %do; %existchk(data=&inpred, var=&pred &optvars); %if &status=novar %then %goto exit; %end; %end; %if &npoints= %then %do; %put ERROR: NOPOINTS= must be an integer value greater than zero.; %goto exit; %end; %else %do; %if %sysevalf(%sysfunc(mod(&npoints,1)) ne 0 or &npoints<=0) %then %do; %put ERROR: The NPOINTS= value must be an integer value greater than zero.; %goto exit; %end; %end; %if %sysevalf(&sensdelta=) %then %do; %put ERROR: SENSDELTA= must be a positive value less than 1.; %goto exit; %end; %else %do; %if %sysevalf(&sensdelta<=0 or &sensdelta>1) %then %do; %put ERROR: SENSDELTA= must be a positive value less than 1.; %goto exit; %end; %end; %if %sysevalf(&beta=) %then %do; %put ERROR: BETA= must be a positive value.; %goto exit; %end; %else %do; %if %sysevalf(&beta<0) %then %do; %put ERROR: BETA= must be a positive value.; %goto exit; %end; %end; %let validopts= AREA NOAREA PPROB NOPPROB MARKERS NOMARKERS BR BL TR %str( )TL PPVZERO NOPPVZERO OPTIMAL NOOPTIMAL; %let showarea=1; %let markers=1; %let textloc=bottomright; %let pprob=1; %let flatppv=0; %let opt=0; %let i=1; %do %while (%scan(&options,&i) ne %str() ); %let option&i=%upcase(%scan(&options,&i)); %if &&option&i=NOAREA %then %let showarea=0; %else %if &&option&i=NOPPROB %then %let pprob=0; %else %if &&option&i=NOMARKERS %then %let markers=0; %else %if &&option&i=NOPPVZERO %then %let flatppv=1; %else %if &&option&i=OPTIMAL %then %let opt=1; %else %if &&option&i=BL %then %let textloc=bottomleft; %else %if &&option&i=TR %then %let textloc=topright; %else %if &&option&i=TL %then %let textloc=topleft; %else %do; %let chk=%eval(&&option&i in &validopts); %if not &chk %then %do; %put ERROR: Valid values of OPTIONS= are &validopts..; %goto exit; %end; %end; %let i=%eval(&i+1); %end; %if &showarea and %sysprod(ets)=0 %then %do; %if %index(&version,DEBUG)=0 %then options notes;; %put NOTE: SAS/ETS is not found. Area cannot be computed.; %let showarea=0; %if %index(&version,DEBUG)=0 %then options nonotes;; %end; /* If data= is from CTABLE, edit names and sort so can use like OUTROC= input */ %if &type=ctable %then %do; proc sort data=&data out=_prctbl(rename=(correctevents=_pos_ correctnonevents=_neg_ incorrectevents=_falpos_ incorrectnonevents=_falneg_ sensitivity=_sensit_ problevel=_prob_) drop=specificity correct npv ppv false:); by descending problevel; run; %let prdata=_prctbl; %end; /* Apply Davis&Goadrich interpolation of points in P-R space, compute precision and recall, and optionally compute optimality criteria */ %else %let prdata=&data; data _pr; %if %index(&version,DEBUG)=0 %then %do; keep _threshold _sensitivity _ppv _marksens _markppv %if &opt %then _fscore _mscore;; %end; _inc+&sensinc; retain _sensa _tpa _fpa; skip: set &prdata end=_eof; %if &type=ctable %then _sensit_=_sensit_/100;; _sensb=_sensit_; if _pos_=0 and _falpos_=0 then goto skip; _npos=_pos_+_falneg_; _ppvb=_pos_/(_pos_+_falpos_); %if &flatppv %then %do; if _ppvb=0 then goto skip; %end; if _n_=1 and _ppvb>0 then do; _sensitivity=0; _ppv=_ppvb; output; end; else do; if _n_=1 and _ppvb=0 then do; _sensa=0; _tpa=0; _fpa=_falpos_; end; do _sensitivity=round(_sensa+1/&npoints-1/(2*&npoints),1/&npoints) to round(_sensit_-1/(2*&npoints),1/&npoints) by 1/&npoints; _tpb=_sensitivity*_npos; _x=_tpb-_tpa; _fpb=_fpa+_x*((_falpos_-_fpa)/(_tpb-_tpa)); _ppv=_tpb/(_tpb+_fpb); if abs(_sensitivity-_sensb)>&sensdelta then output; end; end; _threshold=_prob_; _sensitivity=_sensb+_inc; _ppv=_ppvb; _marksens=_sensb+_inc; _markppv=_ppvb; %if &opt %then %do; _fscore=(1+&beta**2)*((_sensitivity*_ppv)/(_sensitivity+(_ppv*&beta**2))); _mden=(_pos_+_falpos_)*(_pos_+_falneg_)*(_neg_+_falpos_)*(_neg_+_falneg_); if _mden ne 0 then _mscore=((_pos_*_neg_)-(_falpos_*_falneg_))/sqrt(_mden); %end; output; _sensa=_sensit_; _tpa=_pos_; _fpa=_falpos_; if _eof then do; _sensitivity=_sensitivity+&sensdelta; output; end; run; /* Compute optional area under P-R curve and store for display in plot */ %if &showarea %then %do; proc expand data=_pr out=_tmp method=join; convert _ppv=area / observed=(beginning,total) transformout=(sum); id _sensitivity; run; proc sql noprint; select put(max(area),6.4) into :area from _tmp; quit; %end; /* Find overall positive proportion and optimal F score and MCC (maximums). Store for display in plot */ proc sql noprint; %if &pprob %then select put((_pos_+_falneg_)/(_pos_+_neg_+_falpos_+_falneg_),6.4) into :posprob from &prdata;; quit; %if &opt %then %do; proc summary data=_pr; var _fscore _mscore; output out=_max max=_maxf _maxm; run; data _pr; set _pr; if _n_=1 then set _max; drop _type_ _freq_ _maxf _maxm; if _fscore=_maxf then do; _fMaxPPV=_ppv; _fMaxSens=_sensitivity; call symput("maxf",put(_maxf,6.4)); call symput("maxfprob",put(_threshold,6.4)); end; if _mscore=_maxm then do; _mMaxPPV=_ppv; _mMaxSens=_sensitivity; call symput("maxm",put(_maxm,6.4)); call symput("maxmprob",put(_threshold,6.4)); end; run; %end; /* Produce P-R plot with optional optimal points */ %let cv=; %if &type=ctable %then %let cv=Crossvalidated; proc sgplot data=_pr aspect=1 %if &opt=0 %then noautolegend; ; xaxis values=(0 to 1 by .25) grid offsetmin=.05 offsetmax=.05 label="Recall / Sensitivity"; yaxis values=(0 to 1 by .25) grid offsetmin=.05 offsetmax=.05 label="Precision / PPV"; %if &pprob %then refline &posprob;; series y=_ppv x=_sensitivity; %if &markers %then scatter y=_markppv x=_marksens;; %if &opt %then %do; scatter y=_fmaxppv x=_fmaxsens / markerattrs=(symbol=squarefilled color=red size=10) name='fscore' legendlabel="Max F(&beta) = &maxf at Threshold = &maxfprob"; scatter y=_mmaxppv x=_mmaxsens / markerattrs=(symbol=circlefilled color=orange size=10) name='mscore' legendlabel="Max MCC = &maxm at Threshold = &maxmprob"; %end; %if &pprob or &showarea %then %do; inset (%if &showarea %then "Area under curve" = "&area"; %if &pprob %then "Positive proportion" = "&posprob";) / opaque position=&textloc; %end; %if &opt %then keylegend "fscore" "mscore" / down=2;; title "&cv Precision-Recall Curve"; run; /* Find observation(s) in the inpred= data with same or nearest probability threshold */ %if &opt and &inpred ne and &pred ne and &optvars ne %then %do; data _optobs; set _pr; where _fmaxppv ne . or _mmaxppv ne .; drop _mark:; run; data _optmatch; set _optobs; _mindiff=1; _minpt=1; retain _mindiff _minpt; do _i=1 to _nobs; set &inpred point=_i nobs=_nobs; if &pred ne . then do; _diff=abs(_threshold-&pred); if _i=1 then do; _mindiff=_diff; _minpt=1; end; if _diff<_mindiff then do; _mindiff=_diff; _minpt=_i; end; end; if _i=_nobs then do; set &inpred point=_minpt; output; end; end; run; data _PRopt; set _optmatch; if _fmaxppv ne . then do; _OptName="Max F(&beta)"; _OptValue=_fscore; output; end; if _mmaxppv ne . then do; _OptName="Max MCC"; _OptValue=_mscore; output; end; drop _diff _sensitivity _ppv; run; proc sort data=_PRopt; by _optname; run; proc print data=_PRopt label split="/"; id _optname _optvalue; var %if &type=ctable %then _threshold &pred; &optvars; label _optname="Optimality/Statistic" _optvalue="Optimality/Value" %if &type=ctable %then _threshold="Threshold/at Optimal" &pred="Closest/Threshold"; ; title "Optimal Points on the P-R Curve"; run; %end; %exit: %if %index(&version,DEBUG)=0 %then %do; options nonotes;; proc datasets nolist nowarn; delete _tmp _prctbl _max _opt:; run; quit; %end; %if %index(&version,DEBUG) %then %do; options nomprint nomlogic nosymbolgen; %put _user_; %end; options ¬esopt; title; %let time = %sysfunc(round(%sysevalf(%sysfunc(datetime()) - &time), 0.01)); %put NOTE: The &sysmacroname macro used &time seconds.; %mend;