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This sample uses the GCHART procedure in conjunction with the Annotate facility in the SAS/GRAPH software to create a single bullet graph indicator for use in a dashboard. This version is intended to run as a SAS stored process.
Note: Bullet graphs were invented by dashboard expert Stephen Few and are described in detail in Chapter 6 of Information Dashboard Design (Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly Media, Inc., 2006).
For a sample of a complete dashboard, see Create a dashboard with multiple bullet graph indicators using a stored process.
To create a bullet graph similar to this sample, create a SAS data set that contains the following variables:
After you create your data set, run the %DO_BULLET macro, passing in as parameters the SAS data set name and the name of the graph. Here is an example:
The %DO_BULLET macro uses the GCHART procedure to draw a horizontal bar chart (HBAR) in order to show the actual value as a dark bar. It then creates an Annotate data set that shades the three target ranges behind the bar using the Annotate BAR function in order to define the shaded rectangular areas. Finally, it annotates a thick line that represents the target value.
The %DO_BULLET macro assumes the base of the bar and the minimum of the first range is always zero. It also assumes that the bar value and target value for each fall within the viewable area that is covered by the three ranges.
For additional information about creating dashboard applications with SAS/GRAPH software, see SAS/GRAPH Dashboard Samples.
These sample files and code examples are provided by SAS Institute Inc. "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Recipients acknowledge and agree that SAS Institute shall not be liable for any damages whatsoever arising out of their use of this material. In addition, SAS Institute will provide no support for the materials contained herein.
/* This example uses SAS/GRAPH software to generate a bullet graph
indicator, as described by in "Information Dashboard Design"
(Stephen Few. 2006. Sebastopol, CA. O'Reilly Media, Inc.). */
/* Specify the name for the output file. */
%let name=bulletGraphIndSTP;
/* Set output options. */
goptions reset=all;
goptions device=gif;
/* Define range colors for the bullet graphs. */
%let color1=gray88;
%let color2=graybb;
%let color3=graydd;
/* Define bar and background colors for the indicator. */
%let barcolor=black;
%let backcolor=white;
/* Define fonts for indicator title and text. */
%let ftitle='swissb';
%let ftext='swissl';
/* Define the location of the HTML page that supplies drill-down details
for the indicator. If you don't have Internet access, you must put
the target HTML file where your browser can access it, then change the
following URL to point to your location. */
%let hardcoded_drilldown=;
/* The do_bullet macro creates an individual bullet graph indicator.
The do_bullet macro accepts the following list of parameters:
data_name = name of the data set that contains indicator values
pltname = name of GRSEG to store the graph
%macro do_bullet(data_name,pltname);
%local data_name pltname;
data temp_data;
set &data_name;
/* Read values from the indicator data set into macro variables. */
proc sql noprint;
select titletext into :titletext from temp_data;
select range3 into :range3 from temp_data;
select by_value into :by_value from temp_data;
select unique value_format into :value_format from &data_name;
%let value_format=%trim(&value_format);
%let titletext=%trim(&titletext);
/* Set the 'tool tip' for the chart to provide a link to an
HTML page with drill-down details. */
data temp_data;
set temp_data;
length myhtml $200;
'Value: '||trim(left(put(actual,&value_format)))||'0d'x||
'Target: '||trim(left(put(target,&value_format)))||
' ')||' '||
data myanno;
set temp_data;
length function $8 color $12 style $20 text $20;
/* Annotate three colored areas (bars), representing the three ranges of values.
Use when='b' so these will show up behind the real bar chart bar. */
xsys='2'; ysys='1'; style='solid'; when='b';
x=0; y=0; function='move';
x=range1; y=100; function='bar'; color="&color1";
x=range1; y=0; function='move';
x=range2; y=100; function='bar'; color="&color2";
x=range2; y=0; function='move';
x=range3; y=100; function='bar'; color="&color3";
/* Annotate a thick line representing the target value. */
x=target; y=15; function='move';
x=target; y=85; function='draw'; line=1; size=1.5; color='black';
/* Annotate the midpoint value label to provide the flexibility to
easily place multiple lines of text. */
xsys='1'; ysys='1';
x=-2; y=70; function='label'; when='a'; position='4'; style="&ftitle"; size=9;
/* Draw the custom bullet graph (consisting of a bar chart with
annotated color ranges behind it and an annotated target marker
across the bar). */
goptions gunit=pct htitle=10 htext=7.5 ftitle=&ftitle ftext=&ftext;
goptions xpixels=600 ypixels=200;
goptions cback=&backcolor;
axis1 order=(0 to &range3 by &by_value) minor=none label=none offset=(0,0) style=0;
axis2 label=none value=(font=&ftitle height=9 color=&backcolor) offset=(3,3);
pattern1 v=s color=&barcolor;
title "&titletext";
proc gchart data=temp_data anno=myanno;
format actual &value_format;
hbar mylabel / discrete
%mend do_bullet;
/* Create an example data set with the variables required by the
do_bullet macro. */
data data1;
titletext='Bullet Graph';
mylabel='YTD Units';
goptions border;
%let _GOPT_DEVICE=gif;
%let _ODSOPTIONS=gtitle gfootnote style=minimal;
/* Call the macro with specified data values to draw a bullet graph indicator. */
These sample files and code examples are provided by SAS Institute Inc. "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Recipients acknowledge and agree that SAS Institute shall not be liable for any damages whatsoever arising out of their use of this material. In addition, SAS Institute will provide no support for the materials contained herein.
Source: Stephen Few, Information Dashboard Design (Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly Media, Inc., 2006), 126.
Type: | Sample |
Topic: | SAS Reference ==> Procedures ==> GCHART Query and Reporting ==> Creating Reports ==> Graphical ==> Graph Types ==> Dashboards |
Date Modified: | 2009-01-07 14:36:38 |
Date Created: | 2006-12-23 03:03:00 |
Product Family | Product | Host | SAS Release | |
Starting | Ending | |||
SAS System | SAS/GRAPH | All | 9.1 TS1M3 | 9.1 TS1M3 |