SEUGI 2001

Florence, Italy
May 29 - June 1, 2001

Conference Proceedings

All documents are in PDF format.


CRM Banking
CRM Other
Coder's Corner
Enterprise Marketing Automation
Exploiting the Web
IT Management Solutions
IT Solutions Public Sector
Information Delivery
Managing Finances
Managing Human Capital
Managing Supply Chains
Managing The Enterprise
Panel Discussions
Plenary Session
Process Production Quality
Risk Management
Statistical Analysis

CRM Banking

A Design Framework for Combining Click Stream and Customer Data for an e-CRM Solution

And The CRM myth becomes reality


Dynamic behaviour profiling to derive cusomter management

linked objectives: CRM and e-CRM as part of the information network

WebHound: Your Best Friend for Tracking Web Traffic

Fast integration of Enterprise Guide and Enterprise Miner with WebHound

Unique utilisation of new business opportunities through integration with traditional channels: Experience and expectations

Reporting on Broadvision data: what are the advantages and how is it done?

Achieving Profitable Credit Management Strategies

System OPENK - Corporate Customers Profitability Analysis

Sales Tools in BANCAJA For A Multi-Channel And Customized Distribution of Financial Services

Servire al meglio … la migliore clientela

SA Nostra: Total CRM With SAS - One Step Forward from analytical to operational

Driving CRM with Customer Intelligence

Data Mining at CDG Bank: an advantage or a requirement?

The Automated Scoring Application Project

S-Vertrieb Control (SVC) - A report platform for the savings banks' active distribution control

Chronographic Segmentation - a new life cycle approach to banking customer data analysis

CRM Other

Customer Profiling System in Telecom Italia Mobile

Cross-selling of insurance products

Preventing surrender by holders of life insurance policies - The who, what, when, where and why of e-business

Testing for the geographic representativeness of data subsets - The Nugget Effect or Degress of Difficulty

Integrated Customer Call Information

The R in CRM Stands for Risk &Respect from Customers, not Relationships

Profiling Your Customers in One Click with SAS: An Automotive Industry Case Study

Implementation of e-intelligence Solutions for Internet Service Providers

An end to end personalisation framework for multi channels

eDiscovery: The SAS Solution for eCRM

Framework for setting up a self-organizing portal through Web Mining

Trade Customer Intelligence

Intelligently screening New Business

Air Deal Manager: an end-to-end travel &expense management solution with SAS Software

Being the biggest - Becoming the best

How to approach a segmentation project for ten million customers with SAS Enterprise Miner

E-Intelligence and Nokia Online Services

Enriching Click Stream data from other sources - What are the benefits and how is it done

e-Intelligence and e-CRM in a competitive new economy

Coder's Corner

Reporting in OS/390 Intranet

Statistical Analysis for analytical methods validations

Multi-objective modelling of decision making problems using SAS software

Enterprise Wide Information Delivery with ODS

SAS 8e Release 2: An Overview

Fuzzy key linkage: robust methods for real databases

Macro encapsulation add-in tool for SAS/Warehouse Administrator

Phillips Petroleum Company-Norway

New Visualisation in 8.2

Teaching statistics and the SAS System

Constructing a time series using PROC SUMMARY and a multi-label format

E-St@rt (Statistics in the Net)

Enterprise Marketing Automation

The SAS Solution for Enterprise Marketing Automation - Opening Session Demo

What is missing in campaign management today?

Integration of campaign management and data mining at MTN South Africa

Closing the Loop - Using SAS to drive CRM Integration

The sweet side of web warehousing

A FMCG Company embracing the new challenges of CRM and Marketing Automation

Exploiting the Web

INFACT: a web-based solution to meeting the demands for public access to data collected at the public's expense

Magellano-Statistics on-line

What's new in AppDev Studio 2.0

Building JSP based MDDB viewers with webAF 2.0

How our local vision can change the strategy in Copenhagen from buying solutions for local development

SAS Information Delivery Portal - Delivering Information to the Masses!

Developing Wireless Applications using AppDev Studio 2.0

Wireless, hype or reality, can you really apply it to the business?

Practical SAS/IntrNet 8.2 - Point and Click Web Pages with Design-Time Controls amongst other things!

SAS/IntrNet Software - What is it, what has been added with release 8.2 and what can it do for your business?

GIS IP Web: enchancing customer serive via Internet

From data warehouse to reports warehouse: a case study

Overcoming Cross-Platform Issures using SAS/Connect and Java

Using OLAP and the Web for information about local governments in Lombardy

Beyond the Chip - Building Solutions for the Customer

The Municipality of Venice Data Warehousing Project

SAS Integration Technologies - Yes we Can!

Web-Based OLTP System Using SAS

SAS and Lotus Notes, an ideal combination for webpublication

Web-enabled inquiries on operational data store at KBC

IT Management Solutions

WAP! WAP! Know Your Network Performance! Anywhere! Any time!

Windows NT Server Configuration and Tuning for Optimal SAS Server Performance

Broadcasting Network WEB site Traffic Analysis

Capacity planning for your telephone systems: A case study from Den Danske Bank Or From 5 weeks to 1 minute

A simple SAS-based search engine

Web Performance Management: A SAS Solution Approach

Data Warehouse Evaluation: Reliability in the Aircraft MRO Industry

Implementing a Service Level Management Framework - A Case Study

Productivity and strategy in Portuguese banks: a qualitive and quantitative approach for IT investment analysis

IT Service Management - Case Study

Knowledge Solution for the SAP R/3 IT Management

Ensuring SLOs and SLAs - How to commit computer resources to SAS applications, jobs and users

IT Management Solutions - Strategic Directions

Business Process Management: A Key IT Management Challenge

IT Service Vision: pushing back the limits of the Quick-Start Wizard

Uncovering Service Levels

IT Service Vision: Strategic Business Reporting

IT Solutions Public Sector

Advantages and Disadvantages of Using SAS/MDDB, HOLAP, and SAS/IntrNet in the Development of an Interactive System

Data Warehouse Technology As The Main Building Block of the Modern IT Strategy of the Polish Customs Adminstration

Information Delivery

Introducing SAS Data Quality

SAS/ACCESS to R/3, Release 8.2: Ways to Access SAP BW

Scalable Performance Data Server - features of v3.0

Enterprise Guide: Delivering Information to the People Who Need to Know

OLAP Best Practices - What You Need to Consider When Building and Deploying an OLAP Application

How the Output Delivery System made UCAS data sing

An Ark on the sea of data of the small and medium sized company

Exploiting and extending the Multi Vendor Architecture

Intranet-based Information Delivery at Central-European International Bank

What's New in SAS/Warehouse Administrator Software

Querying Star and Snowflake Schemas in SAS

Data Warehouse and Strategic Management - How to Sustain Competitive Advantage

Taming the CRM Information Explosion - The Power of Two: EMC &SAS

Web warehousing and data exploitation of accidents in working environments - ISPESL

Using Version Control and Configuration Management in a SAS Data Warehouse Environment

Configuring a SAS Data Campus Using an EMC E-Infostructure

Data Warehouse Implementation in Financial Statistics using SAS at State Statistical Office of Republic of Macedonia

Use of SAS V8 and SAS Enterprise Guide in the Federal Statistical Office of Germany

From Oracle to SAS: converting a large data warehouse

SAS Data Warehouse in the MKB

Managing Finances

Dynamic Budgeting &Plannin

The <<Net Interest Margin >>of the BBL Bank Controlled, Analysed and Justified using SAS OLAP Solutions

Social Security spreads information on the Web

SAS as a Financial Controller of day-to-day business

Planning and Budgeting with Total Financial Management: How we are automating the budgeting process within SAS International Headquarters

Rapid Development of an ALM System

How To Find Your Way Around A Customer Database

Develop The Enterprise Data Warehouse as a New Instrument For a Banking Governance

Total Financial Management beyond the new economy

A crystal ball for forecasting cellular sales

Asset and Liability Management

Strategic Financial Management at PZU Life: Business Benefits from Data Warehouse and CFO Vision Integration

Managing Human Capital

How to benefit from SAS investments over time

Sales Force Management Through Intranet

SAS &IUT of Vannes: 15 years of Partnership for Higher Competences in the Business Intelligence Economy

The Managing Information System (S.I.D.) of the Civil Servants' Health Insurance

Measuring and Managing Human Capital for Improved Performance

Successful certification program - successful projects with certified personnel

The spider in the Web for your everyday HR business - Corporate human resources data warehouse for logistical service provider

Customer's service and technical point of view: the mix of two worlds

Managing Supply Chains

Globization and National Language Support for Your Release 8.2 SAS Environment

Managing Legal Reporting Requirements: A Total Financial Management Strategy

Implementing a BSC in a changing environment of Social Security

SAS "Eternity" Project

Empowering the purchasing professional: The SAS solution for Supplier Relationship Management

Supplier Relations Management - A knowledge based approach to e-procurement

Detecting Procurement Fraud

Supplier Relationship Management

Common tool for the Purchasing Headquarters applications

Managing The Enterprise

Electronic Information System (EIS) - Past, Present, Future

Strategic Vision - Implementation Challenges - Speartek Update

The Dynamic Scorecard Lifecycle - Balanced Scorecard ING Bank

Minng-Driven Marketing - Penetrating Telco-Markets Successfully

Balanced Scorecard with "Strategic Vision" - the story of Samsung Corning Germany

How we implemented balanced scorecard with the company's strategy, together with follow-up programme

Navigating the New Economy - How analytics and strategy Keep your business on course and moving forward

Kompass 24 - A Balanced Scored of Deutsche Bank 24

A Web-based application for Bosch Siemens: European Price Monitoring (EPM)

How Strategic Vision Successfully Increases the Quality of a Balanced Scorecard System

Two e-intelligence case studies - a ank on line and a financial information portal

Having trouble with your strategy? … then map it!


Providing SAS with a Voice

From e-data to web mining

A System for Monitoring and Analysing Legal Actions

Management Information and Balanced Scorecard in Arhus Kommune (Municipality)

Portable Strategy

Nokia activating m-Intelligence

Building a Balanced Scorecard in Banca 121

Panel Discussions

International Mail Order Business

The Data Warhousing Process in the Development of Traffic Emission Information System of ATENA Project in Naples

Realization of DataWareHouse in the Sector of the Building

Web clickstream analysis to understand customer behaviour

Giving the Users what They Expect

Web Enabling SAS Output

Economical monitoring and forecasting system of Russian railways

Customer Profiling as an integrated system in order to know and interact with the customers

A prototype of Quality Data Warehouse in Steel Industry

A web interface for portfolio risk optimisation with SAS System

First Aid for Legacy Data Warehouses - Common Symptoms and their remedies

Test On Line: reusing SAS code in WEB applications

Group Services Portal Project Web Warehousing - Suppliers

Modelling web trajectories of portal customers by mining clickstream data

A dynamic approach to the segmentation of financial customers

Liquidity Monitoring and Analyses System

Plenary Session

Improvements Made with Output Delivery System in Data Processing

Risk Simulation with SAS/IML - Corporate Insurance Solutions for Fortune 2000 companies

The Intelligence Layer - an Organized Approach to Business Intelligence

Process Production Quality

Mining the earth's diamonds: SAS' role for information delivery and knowledge advancement

Repsol YPF - a complete implementation model of balanced scorecards in the oil and gas sector

Software Validation in Clinical Trial Reporting: Experiences from the Biostatistical &Data Sciences Department

From GaAs to Mobile Phones: the Implementation of a Quality Warehouse

SAS Process Intelligence: Closing the "Knowing-Doing" Gap to Deliver Value Through Process Efficiency, Effectiveness and Adaptability

Data Mining as Method to Streamline the Drug Discovery Process

Setting new Standards in Customer Satisfaction Measurement

A retrospective evaluation of a data mining approach to fetal asphyxia at delivery in a hospital database

Evolution of the Data Warehouse at the Russian Railways

Expanding SAP capabilities in maintenance

Delivering Clinical Study Data Using SAS/IntrNet

The SAS/UK Clinical Data Management Knowledge Solution

Enterprise cancer registry

Web and Data Warehouse technology combined in a pharmaceutical decision support system

AstraZeneca's AWACS IntraNet: Remote sensing of the sales force

Implentation of an outlier detection method for hihg throughput screening in drug discovery

End to end datawarehousing with SAS at steel rolling company ALZ

Risk Management

Account profiling for improved collection results

The Portfolio Forecasting System

An approach to the risk management of structured financial products

The Risk Control Process in the Management of a Diversified Banking Group: the case of Monte Paschi di Siena Group

BNL's experience in building an internal rating system for domestic corporate customers

A New Decision-Making Support Analysis for the Auditing Area at Banca Monte Dei Paschi Di Siena

Overview of Risk Dimensions

Risk management and IAS reporting at Deutsche Postbank AG

Simulation of risk values as a powerful tool of risk management optimization

Statistical Analysis

SAS and CFMS Integration - Attacking Fraud in Next Generation Networks

Data Mining In a Zero Latency Enterprise

Kaleidos - A Splash of Colour for the "Silvery Haired"

"E-tailing" - Click analysis for online shopping profiling

The use of Enterprise Miner with large volumes of data for forecasting in an automated batch process

Current and Future Directions for Analytical Solutions

New Features and Future Directions for Enterprise Miner

Building a compelling case for Enterprise Miner Within The Bank of Scotland

The data mining process and SAS Enterprise Miner in Elisa Communications Corporation

Fraud Detection in Healthcare - MBF's successful approach through SAS South Pacific Data Mining Discovery Centre

Using SAS Enterpise Miner Analytical CRM in Finance

Football and data mining: a statistical system for a "real-time" monitoring of players' performance in the European Championships

The SAS Text Mining Solution

WELFARE - Wells, Field Analysis, Reservoir Evaluation

Knowledge Solution for Credit Scoring

Send in the Clones

Improving Datamining Results Through Data Selection and Preparation

Customer Segmentation and retail product assortment